On this page you will find all present and former professors as well all members of staff currently employed with the Department of Human Sciences.
If you click on the names or the professorship you will be redirected to the respective pages.
On this page you will find all present and former professors as well all members of staff currently employed with the Department of Human Sciences.
If you click on the names or the professorship you will be redirected to the respective pages.
Busch, Dominic, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Intercultural Communication and Conflict Research
Ertl, Bernhard, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Learning and Teaching with Media
Lois, Daniel, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Social Science Research Methods
Manhart, Sebastian, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Organizational Education
Mchitarjan, Irina, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Intercultural and Comparative Education
Ode, Erik, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in General Educational Science
Pietraß, Manuela, Prof. Dr. phil.
Professorship in Educational Research and Media Education
Schäffer, Burkhard, Prof. Dr. phil.
Professorship in Adult and Continuing Education
Allgaier, Antje-Kathrin, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Kruse, Joachim, Prof. Dr.
Leitung Psychotherapeutische Hochschulambulanz
Leipold, Bernhard, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Developmental Psychology and Health Psychology
Maes, Jürgen, Prof. Dr. rer.nat.
Professorship in Social and Conflict Psychology
Mack, Wolfgang, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in General Psychology
Renner, Karl-Heinz, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment
Rieckmann, Anna, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Biological Psychology
Schalinski, Inga, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Clinical Psychology and Trauma Therapy
von Oertzen, Timo, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Quantitative Psychology
Huth, Christopher, Prof. Dr. (deputy professor)
Professorship in Sport and Health Management
Schaar, Bettina, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Exercise and Training Science
Schaller, Andrea, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Health, Workplace Promotion and Prevention
Schmidt, Annette, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Exercise Biology
Seiberl, Wolfgang, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Human Movement Science
Wagner, Matthias, Prof. Dr.
Professorship in Sport Psychology
Giernalczyk, Thomas Dr.
Schiefele, Hans, Prof. Dr.
Agboada, Desmond, Ph.D.
Arlt, Frederic, M.Sc.
Behlau, Isabelle, Dr.
Bodenschatz, Petra
Born, Andreas, Dipl. Sportl.
Brandt, Tom, Hptm d.R
Decher, Alexandra, M.Sc.
Deza-Lougovski, Yacila, Dr.
Eichhorn, Kathryn, Dr.
Eisenlauer, Volker, Dr.
Esterl, Nadine, M.A.
Fellinger, Eva, M.Sc.
Fink, Maximilian, M.Sc.
Fischer, Dietmar, Dipl.-Volksw.
Florian, Alexander, Dr.
Förster, Patrick
Ghezih, Sarah
Gemmerich, Robin, M.Sc.
Geppert, Rahel, M.Sc.
Göcking, Tobias, M.Sc.
Grabmeier, Franziska
Haunschild, Isabelle, M.Sc.
Heil, Henrike, M.A.
Herz, Gerd
Holzer, Denis, M.Sc.
Huber, Daniela, M.A.
Ittner, Heidi, Dr.
Kaiser, Melanie, Dr.
Kaltenbach, Christina, M.Sc.
Kanig, Carolina, M.Sc.
Kielmann, Sven, Dipl. Psych.
Klosterkamp, Marie, M.Sc.
Klughardt, Saskia, Dr.
Koch, Lucas, M.Sc.
Krämer, Franz, Dr.
Kulla, Patricia, Dipl.-Psych.
Lantukhova, Olga, Dr.
Lieder, Fabio, M. A.
Loidl, Barbara, Mag.
Manicke, Kristina
Maschke, Nina, Dipl. Psych.
Mayr, Lucia, M. Sc.
Meinersen-Schmidt, Nicole, M.Sc.
Mergl, Roland-Peter, Dr.
Michael, Anna, M.Sc.
Miram, Rune, M.Sc.
Modersitzki, Nick, M.Sc.
Moszeik, Ester Nena, M.Sc.
Munk, Tobias, M.Sc.
Nestler-Stolle, Katharina
Neudorfer, Petra
Oehler, Johanna, Dipl. Psych.
Oppawsky,Jessica, M.A.
Osnabrügge, Mirja, M.Sc.
Omar, Aziz, M.Sc.
Osterloher, Ines
Overmann, Ruth, M.Sc.
Peters, Stefan, Dr.
Petzi, Moritz, Dr.
Phan, Le, M.Sc.
Pick, Alina, M.Sc.
Pintz, Franziska, M.A.
Pipo-Riß, Doris, M.A.
Rethwilm, Roman, Dr.
Reuß, Konrad, M.Sc.
Roscher, Katharina, M.Sc.
Roschinsky, Johannes, M. A.
Rune, Miram, M.Sc.
Rundel, Stefan, Dipl. Soz.
Saalwirth, Christina, M.Sc.
Saffran, Andrea, Dr.
Scherer, Kristina, M.Sc.
Schlesinger, Nicola, M.Sc.
Schlie, Jennifer, M.Sc.
Schlünzen, Jessica, Dipl.-Psych.
Schmid, Gabriele, Dipl.-Psych.
Schmitt, Sabine, Dr.
Schoisswohl, Stefan
Schreiber, Julia, M.Sc.
Schuber, Andrè, M.Sc.
Seidelmeier, Ingo, Dr.
Springer, Irmgard
Stasch, Sophie, M.Sc.
Stefani, Maximilian, M.Sc.
Steuer, Marion, Dipl.-Psych.
Strauß, Christina
Sutanto, Philipp, M.A.
Vetter, Katja, Dr., Dipl.-Sportl.
Wagner, Andreas, M.Sc.
Warga, Verena, M.Sc.
Werz, Janina, M.Sc.
Wieczorek, Alissa, M.Sc.
Wohlfart, Lisa-Marie, M.A.
Please note: This list denotes professors and deputy professors who have left our University in the past three years.
Brixius, Klara, Prof. Dr. (deputy professor), Professorship in Health, Workplace Promotion and Prevention
Ennenbach, Wilfried, Prof. Dr. phil., Dipl.-Psych., Educational Psychology Focussing on the Psychology of Learning (Pädagogische Psychologie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lernpsychologie)
Fairhurst, Merle, Prof. Dr. (deputy professor), Biological Psychology
Hackfort, Dieter, Prof. Dr., Sport Psychology (Sportpsychologie)
Hoffmann, Alfred, Prof. Dr. phil., Theory of Education and Socialization (Theorie der Erziehung und Sozialisation)
Hüther, Jürgen, Prof. Dr. phil., Media Education (Medienpädagogik)
Kaiser, Arnim, Prof. Dr. phil. habil., General Education Focussing on the Theory and History of Education (Allgemeine Pädagogik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Theorie und der Geschichte der Pädagogik)
Müller, Kurt, Prof. Dr. rer. pol., Adult Education (Erwachsenenpädagogik)
Pelka, Rainer B., Prof. Dr. phil., Applied Statistics (Angewandte Statistik)
Schefold, Werner, Prof. Dr. rer. pol., Social Education (Sozialpädagogik)
Scherer, Hans-Georg, Prof. Dr. phil., Sport Education (Sportpädagogik)
Schmid, Michael, Prof. Dr. phil., Dr. rer. pol. (habil.), General Sociology (Allgemeine Soziologie)
Schneider, Klaus, Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dr. phil. (habil.), Science of Movement and Training (Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft)
Tarnai, Christian, Prof. Dr. phil. habil., Education of Methods in Social Science (Sozialwissenschaftliche Methodenlehre)
Vetter, Hans-Rolf, Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil., Social Policy and Organization of Social Services (Sozialpolitik und Organisation Sozialer Dienstleistungen)