This page shows all on-going research projects of the institute. Please click on the project title to get more information on the single projects. Detailed information on projects and publications is available in the research database  .


Ongoing projects

Galileo FUSION 2 [DLR/BMWK]: Support to the Galileo program. Consideration for G2G signals, LEO-PNT signals and signals of opportunity. Calculation of radio frequency compatibility and definition of new concepts of satellite navigation following 3GPP standards.

OSNMA/HAS [Munich Aerospace]: Studies to evaluate authentication and precise positioning services of Galileo with respect to relevant applications.

Firefly 2: Development of a compact pseudolite system exploiting OFDM signals in 1559-1610 MHz 3700-3800 MHz with a loopback scheme for precise synchronization to GNSS time. Integration of the pseudolite signal into a tightly coupled GNSS/INS architecture to support robust UAV localization.

Time in Geodesy [DFG]: Development of a pseudolite with a precise sync to an optical clock for the purpose to synchronize the GNSS, SLR and VLBI time scale at the geodetic observatory Wettzell.

HybridPNT [Airbus/ESA]: Development of user terminal to acquire and track Starlink, Iridium, LEO-PNT-CDMA and 5G signals. Testing of simulated and real-world satcom signals for RTK positioning with a reference station at building 61 and a measurement vehicle.

Wesis beta [BKG]: Development of a toolchain for Galileo signal quality monitoring using GPUs together with the geodetic observatory Wettzell.

SeRANIS [dtec/BMVg]: Detection and geolocalization of GNSS interference (spoofing) with the ATHENE1 satellite.

MOGSI [DLR/BMWK]: Studies on efficient interference (jamming) geolocalization with a dual or triple satellite mission in LEO.

INSPIRE [IGASPIN/ESA]: Development of positioning engine to support various meta-signal combinations from GPS, Galileo and BeiDou with a loosely coupled INS and with support from UWB ranging.

Synthetic Aperture Processing [internal]: Development of a post-correlation signal processing method to realize a synthetic aperture GNSS antenna by exploiting a deeply coupled GNSS/INS architecture to support RTK positioning under adverse conditions.

Vamex 3-VRN [DLR/BMWK]: Development of a robust terrain relative navigation payload for a Mars helicopter using optical landmark recognition, visual odometry and inertial navigation. Testing of the payload with UAV and a simulation environment based on the Unreal 5 engine.


Completed projects

AO car

Autonomous, optimal vehicle navigation and control in the vehicle-passenger area for urban areas


Dynamic testbed for secure open service navigation


Research and study projects for innovations in the Galileo GNSS system

Ghosthunter II

Detection of ghost drives on motorways

IRASSI II - phase 2

Relative swarm navigation for observing planet formation using interferometry


Demonstration of the advantages of the Galileo PRS service compared to open GNSS services on the basis of application-oriented tests


Integration of authentication properties in open satellite navigation signals

RAMBO "Real-Time-Kinematic" positioning on the mobile phone
IRASSI 2-I Infrared Astronomy Satellite Swarm Interferometry - Phase I.
ADVISE Advanced Signal-In-Space Techniques
e-KnoT EGNSS Knowledge Triangle
Galileo IV Contribution to the development of the European satellite navigation system
Galileo V  Contribution to the development of the European satellite navigation system
Ghosthunter Telematics system against wrong-way drivers with the help of GNSS
ICONS Innovative Concept for Navigation Signal in Space
IRASSI Infrared astronomy satellite swarm interferometry
KaNaRiA Cognition-based, autonomous navigation using the example of resource depletion in space
NavEn Navigation system on Enceladus
DATES Interference Mitigation Based on Novel Signal Processing Cancelation and RF Front End