Democracy and Gender:
The Legitimation of Power in Modern Societies
Clara Maier (Berlin) and Hedwig Richter (München) 26.05.2021 – 28.05.2021, ONLINE Universität der Bundeswehr München
Wednesday, 26th of May (incooperation with the Literaturhaus München) __________________________________________________________________________________
6 – 8 pm: Welcome by Tanja Graf (Literaturhaus München) Welcome by Merith Niehuss (University President) Welcome by Clara Maier and Hedwig Richter
Keynote Lecture (German)
Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger (Berlin): Monarchie und Geschlecht: Herrschaftslegitimation im frühneuzeitlichen Europa
Thursday,27th ofMay __________________________________________________________________________________
10 am Opening remarks by Clara Maier and Hedwig Richter, short round of introductions
10.30 – 11.30 am: Democracy’s Legitimacy in Crisis? Chair: Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky (München)
Birgit Sauer (Vienna): Constructing the people - de(con)structing the demos. Right-wing populism as male identity politics.
Rudolf Stichweh (Bonn): Democracy and Inclusion: The Rise of Modern Political Systems and the Relevance of Gender
11.30 – 11.45 am: Coffee break
11.45 am – 12.45 pm: Female Rule: A Special Kind of Power? Chair: Jonas Anderson (München)
Frank Bösch (Potsdam): The political center: Female voters in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1949
Jessica Bock (Berlin/Dresden): "Women, get into politics!" - The significance of "1989" in the history of democracy and the women's movement
12.45 am – 2.00 pm Lunch break
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm: The Legitimating Power of Masculinity Chair: Verena Wirtz (München)
Josephine Hoegaerts (Helsinki): A ’Queen of Hearts’ and Men of Reason? Creating a sensuous divide between sovereignty and representation in the House of Lords, 1837-1901
Gundula Ludwig (Bremen): Bodypolitics and Democracy. How Social Hygienic Regimes of Knowledge Served as (Undemocratic) Technologies of Democratization in the Weimar Republic
Daniel Gerster (Hamburg): Educating the Ruling Class. Gender and Power in British and German Boarding Schools, 1870 to 1930
3.30 – 4.00 pm: Coffee break
4.00 – 5.30 Representing Gendered Orders Chair: Daniel Gerster (Hamburg)
Imke Harbers (Amsterdam)/Jennifer Picscopo (Los Angeles): Uneven Citizenship: Gender Bias, Birth Registration, and Patterns of Political Inclusion in Mexico
Harm Kaal (Nijmegen): Privileged Bodies. Gender, Diversity and Parliamentary Culture in The Netherlands
Dawn Teele (Philadelphia): Women's Votes and the Public Purse
Friday,28th ofMay __________________________________________________________________________________
9.30 – 11am: Difference and Inclusion Chair: Marc Frey (München)
Ilse Lenz (München): Democracy and differences - the potential of processual intersec- tionality
Birte Förster (Bielefeld)
Anna Becker (Aarhus): Friendship, fraternity, and female trouble. Debating democracy in early modern Europe
11 – 11.15 am: Coffee break
11.15 – 12 pm: Comment and debate with Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky, Georgina
Waylen and Rudolf Stichweh
Online registration until 24th May: