Co-Learn: Training through digital touch in hybrid contexts
9 Januar 2023
Prof. Maximilian Moll, Juniorprofessur für Operations Research Prescriptive Analytics am Institut für Theoretische Informatik, Mathematik und Operations Research, hat das Projekt "Co-Learn – Training through digital touch in hybrid contexts: putting humans in the learning loop" beim Bayerischen Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation eingeworben.
Laufzeit: 01.04.2022 bis 31.03.2025
Förderung: Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation (bidt)
Digital touch sensors are increasingly coupled with artificial intelligence to assist humans in their daily and professional activities, like lane departure warning systems or robots assisting with precision surgery. The question this project tries to answer is: should we train with or without this artificial helping hand? Cooperative learning, which occurs when two agents aim to learn certain attributes together, is likely to involve not just human peers, but hybrid pairing of human and artificial learners. Using a novel interdisciplinary approach, we examine human-AI hybrid learning for increasingly innovative tactile augmentation and assistance by integrating three different but complementary perspectives: the cognitive neuroscience of human, biological learning through vision and touch, the philosophy of self-confidence and trust in digital tactile assistants and computer science design of machine learning algorithms tailored to tactile learning with AI. The project includes citizen-science components with medical and driving schools, which will help to transfer the results to a concrete application. Together these timely initiatives will pave the way for the introduction of this new technology into society and will increase the end-users willingness to make the best use of these assistance systems.
Bild: © gettyimages/PhonlamaiPhoto