Verbundsvorhaben AMIUS: Air Mobility Integration U-Space
4 März 2022
Prof. Wolfgang Hommel und Corinna Schmitt, FI CODE, haben im Bay. Luftfahrtprogramm - Hollistische Air Mobility Initiative, das Projekt "AMIUS - Air Mobility Integration U-Space Verbundsvorhaben UniBw M" eingeworben.
Laufzeit: 01.01.2022 bis 31.12.2024
Förderer: Bay. Stm. f. Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie - Bay. Luftfahrtprogramm - Hollistische Air Mobility Initiative
The overall objective of the AMI-AMIUS joint project is to create the first integrated Bavarian U-space connecting the city of Ingolstadt with Manching Airport. In addition to the activities described here, this U-space is available as a real test field for use by Bavarian companies in the eVTOL and UAS industry. The project investigates how a U-space based on digital services can integrate today's air traffic, including its processes and technologies, with future deployment scenarios of UAS and eVTOLs in a common airspace. For this purpose, the required air traffic management functionalities for safe, integrated and efficient operations, will be provided and demonstrated by the U-space services defined by EASA. Based on these digital services, flights within the Manching control zone, for example from the Drone Center to Ingolstadt main station, are planned as concrete use cases. These practical demonstrations will be supported by corresponding scientific model-based preliminary investigations, multimodal simulations with different traffic systems, feasibility studies as well as cost analyses by the participating universities. To guarantee safe and efficient integrated operations of UAS, eVTOLS and general aviation in the future, novel traffic concepts are required. For this purpose, the existing airspace management must be supplemented by an integrated UTM and thus expanded by the dimension of the previously uncontrolled airspace. The focus is on the design and technical implementation of the demonstrator using a UTM system and appropriate ground infrastructures, complemented by innovative communication technologies and a central control station. The project will also investigate how the data flow between the participating airspace users and the storage of relevant data can be secured by various measures against unauthorized external interference.
The sub-project of the Universität der Bundeswehr München (UniBw M) in the AMIUS project pursues two goals in the field of unmanned aerial systems (UAS): (1) On the basis of a scalable model-based approach in close connection with real-world test approaches of the project partners, robust statements are to be made on the realization of the necessary command and control and communication infrastructure for urban air mobility. (2) Solutions for secure cloud-based data storage during operation and over the life cycle will be elicited to reduce the delay of data analysis and data communication. This sub-project is in cooperation with a bilateral contract with the Hamburg University of Technologie (TUHH) with the Institute of Air Transportation Systems.
Bild: © gettyimages/gorodenkoff