[88] Tal Oron-Gilad, Ming Hou, Glenn Osga, Axel Schulte & Elisabeth S. Redden. Limitations and Advantages of Autonomy in Controlling Multiple Systems: An International View. In: Michael J. Barnes & Tal Oron-Gilad (Eds.). Panel Discussion at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) 55th Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 19-23 September 2011.
[87] Johann Uhrmann & Axel Schulte. Task-based Guidance of Multiple UAV Using Cognitive Automation. In: The Third International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications. COGNITIVE 2011. Rome, Italy. 25-30 September 2011. (Best Paper Award)
[86] Michael Kriegel, Stefan Brüggenwirth & Axel Schulte. Knowledge Configured Vehicle – A layered artificial cognition based approach to decoupling high-level UAV mission tasking from vehicle implementation properties. In: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference. Portland, Oregon, USA. 8-11 August 2011.
[85] Ruben Strenzke, Johann Uhrmann, Andreas Benzler, Felix Maiwald, Andreas Rauschert & Axel Schulte. Managing Cockpit Crew Excess Task Load in Military Manned-Unmanned Teaming Missions by Dual-Mode Cognitive Automation Approaches. In: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference. Portland, Oregon, USA. 8-11 August 2011.
[84] Ruben Strenzke & Axel Schulte. Mixed-initiative multi-UAV mission planning by merging human and machine cognitive skills. In: 9th Conference on Engineering Psychology & Cognitive Ergonomics, in conjunction with HCI International. Orlando, Florida, USA. 9-14 July 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 6781/2011, pp. 608-617. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
[83] Axel Schulte & Diana Donath. Measuring self-adaptive UAV operators’ load shedding strategies under high workload. In: 9th Conference on Engineering Psychology & Cognitive Ergonomics, in conjunction with HCI International. Orlando, Florida, USA. 9-14 July 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 6781/2011, pp. 342-351. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
[82] Felix Maiwald & Axel Schulte. Mental resource demands prediction as a key element for future assistant systems in military helicopters. In: 9th Conference on Engineering Psychology & Cognitive Ergonomics, in conjunction with HCI International. Orlando, Florida, USA. 9-14 July 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 6781/2011. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
[81] Ruben Strenzke & Axel Schulte. Design and Evaluation of a Mixed-Initiative Multi-Vehicle Mission Planning System. In: IJCAI-11 Workshop AI in Space: Intelligence beyond Planet Earth. Barcelona, Spain. 17 July 2011.
[80] Ruben Strenzke & Axel Schulte. The MMP: A Mixed-Initiative Mission Planning System for the Multi-Aircraft Domain. In: International Scheduling and Planning Applications woRKshop (SPARK), in conjunction with 21st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling – ICAPS 2011. Freiburg, Germany. 13 June 2011.
[79] Ruben Strenzke & Axel Schulte. Modeling the Human Operator’s Cognitive Process to Enable Assistant System Decisions. In: Workshop on Goal, Activity and Plan Recognition (GAPRec), in conjunction with 21st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling – ICAPS 2011. Freiburg, Germany. 12 June 2011.
[78] Stefan Brüggenwirth, Wolfgang Pecher & Axel Schulte. Architectural Considerations for COSA2. IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence – SSCI 2011. Paris, France. 11-15 April 2011.
[77] Jason C. Ryan, Mary L. Cummings, Nick Roy, Ashis Gopal Banerjee & Axel Schulte. Designing an Interactive Local and Global Decision Support System for Aircraft Carrier Deck Scheduling. In: AIAA Infotech@Aerospace Conference 2011. St. Louis, Missouri, USA. 29-31 March 2011.
[76] Diana Donath & Axel Schulte. Wie viele UAV sind zu viele? – Erkennen von Überforderung des UAV-Führers. (How many UAVs are too many? – Recognising UAV-operator excessive demands.) In: Wehrwissenschaft Forschung & Technologie Jahresbericht 2010. Bundesministerium der Verteidigung. März 2011.