Mobile Sektoren ermöglichen ein flow-orientiertes Management mit erhöhter Luftraumkapazität, da die Arbeitsbelastung der Fluglotsen dynamisch an die Verkehrsbedingungen angepasst wird.

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Trajectory Adjustments via Grey Wolf Optimization to Mitigate Air Traffic Complexity in Moving Sectors
S Göppel, E Asadi, M Schultz (under review)
Human-Ai Hybrids in Safety-Critical Systems: Concept, Definitions and Perspectives from Air Traffic Management
H Ali, PD Thinh, S Alam, M Schultz, MZ Li, Y Wang, E Itoh, V Duong (under review)
Predicting flight arrival times with deep learning: A strategy for minimizing potential conflicts in gate assignment
F Cao, T Tang, Y Gao, O Michler, M Schultz. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 169, 104866
Self-organized free-flight arrival for urban air mobility
M Waltz, O Okhrin, M Schultz. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 167, 104806
Complexity metrics for moving sectors
SB Göppel, M Schultz, E Itoh. IEEE Access 12, 139181-139198
Human-Ai hybrids in safety-critical systems: Concept, definitions and perspectives from air traffic management
H Ali, PD Thinh, S Alam, M Schultz, MZ Li, Y Wang, E Itoh, V Duong. Available at SSRN 4806351
High-fidelity digital twin applied agent-based model for supporting predictable airport ground operations
M Luo, H Fricke, B Desart, SR Zapata, M Schultz. Available at SSRN 4806351
Simulation-based evaluation of indoor positioning systems in connected aircraft cabins
J Ninnemann, H Ußler, O Michler, M Schultz. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 12 (1), 2321454
Efficiency assessment in European air traffic management—A fundamental analysis of data, models, and methods
T Standfuss, G Hirte, M Schultz, H Fricke. Journal of Air Transport Management 115, 2024, 102523
Investigating moving sectors and complexity metrics in Japanese airspace
SB Göppel, M Schultz, K Tominaga, E Itoh. International Workshop on ATM/CNS (IWAC) 2024
Optimizing moving sectors: trajectory-based complexity reduction
SB Göppel, M Schultz. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress (DLRK) 2024
Time-based control to reduce trajectory complexity in the flow-centric air traffic control paradigm
K Tominaga, N Inoue, M Schultz, Y Zheng, E Itoh. ICAS - International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2024
Emerging from the dark cabin age: sensor-based prediction of passenger boarding times
M Schultz, O Michler, K Nishinari, E Itoh. Conference in Emerging Technologies in Transportation Systems (TRC-30) 2024
Intermodal safety net for urban air mobility
M Schultz, E Asadi, V Istvan. Conference in Emerging Technologies in Transportation Systems (TRC-30) 2024
A dynamic debris hazard corridor for space and air traffic management
I Dhief, W Zhou, Z Wang, S Alam, S Kaltenhäuser, T Rabus, M Schultz. Annual Space Traffic Management Conference 2024
Efficient airspace management considering future demands
4th International Workshop on Scientific Logistics
M Schultz. Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo
Moving metrics: how to evaluate complex traffic scenarios
5th DATS Workshop on Digital Air Traffic Services: Workload and Safety Assessment
M Schultz, SB Göppel. Linköping University, Sweden
Untangling Complexity in ASEAN Air Traffic Management through Time-Varying Queuing Models
E Itoh, K Tominaga, M Schultz, VN Duong. Aerospace 204, 11, 11
A combined optimization–simulation approach for modified outside-in boarding under COVID-19 regulations including limited baggage compartment capacities
M Schultz, M Soolaki, M Salari, E Bakhshian. Journal of Air Transport Management 106(2023) 102258
Introduction of moving sectors for flow-centric airspace management
M Schultz, K Tominaga, E Itoh, VN Duong. SESAR Innovation Days 2023
Designing a Framework of Integrated AircraftDeparture and Surface Traffic Operation via Queuing Network Models
E Itoh, M Schultz. Fifteenth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar 2023
Flow-Centric Air Traffic Control: Human in the Loop Simulation Experiment
AS Bin Jumad, K Tominaga, XY Chua, E Itoh, M Schultz, VN Duong. Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) 2023
Efficient and risk-minimised boarding and disembarking into the narrow aircraft cabin
M Schultz, M Soolaki, O Michler, E Itoh. ATRS World Conference 2023
Operational Feasibility Assessment of the Free Route Airspace Concept in the ASEAN Region
K Tominaga, ACK Wen, J Sultana, M Schultz, E Itoh, VN Duong. ATRS World Conference 2023
Two-phase joint optimization of GSE routing and airport stand assignment under the consideration of ground handling time sequence
Y Gao, TQ Tang, F Cao, H Fricke, M Schultz. ATRS World Conference 2023
The Future of Air Transportation
International Workshop on Pedestrian Crowd, Advanced Logistics, and Aerospace MobilityWorkshop
M Schultz. Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo
Development of moving sectors to enable efficient air/ space operations
Air & Space Traffic Integration Workshop
M Schultz. Air Traffic Management Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Airport Departure Metering Under Spatial–Temporal Airside Interactions
H Ali , DT Pham , S Alam , M Schultz. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, 1-18.
Towards a greener Extended-Arrival Manager in air traffic control: A heuristic approach for dynamic speed control using machine-learned delay prediction model
Lim Zhi Jun, Sameer Alam, Imen Dhief, Michael Schultz (2022). Journal of Air Transport Management 103, 102250
Multipath-Assisted Radio Sensing and State Detection for the Connected Aircraft Cabin
J Ninnemann, P Schwarzbach, M Schultz, O Michler. Sensors 22 (8), 2859
Long Range Air Traffic Flow Management with Flight-Specific Flight Performance
J Rosenow, E Asadi, D Lubig, M Schultz, H Fricke. Future Transportation 2 (2), 310-327
Data-driven airport management enabled by operational milestones derived from ADS-B messages
M Schultz, J Rosenow, X Olive. Journal of Air Transport Management 99, 102164
Modeling Aircraft Departure at a Runway Using a Time-Varying Fluid Queue
E Itoh, M Mitici, M Schultz. Aerospace 9 (3), 119
Stochastic Delay Cost Functions to Estimate Delay Propagation Under Uncertainty
J Evler, M Schultz, H Fricke, A Cook. IEEE Access 10, 21424-21442
An Adaptive Framework for Optimization and Prediction of Air Traffic Management (Sub-) Systems with Machine Learning
S Reitmann, M Schultz. Aerospace 9 (2), 77
Integration of turnaround and aircraft recovery to mitigate delay propagation in airline networks
J Evler, M Lindner, H Fricke, M Schultz. Computers & Operations Research 138, 105602
Towards Automated Apron Operations - Training of Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation using Synthetic LiDAR Sensors
M Schultz, S Reitmann, B Jung, S Alam. Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)
Synthetic Training of Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Clouds
M Schultz, S Reitmann, B Jung, S Alam. International Workshop on ATM/CNS (IWAC)
Agent-based modeling to support collaborative decision making in predictable airport ground operations
M Luo, H Fricke, M Schultz, B. Desart, S.R. Zapata. SESAR Innovation Days 2022
Traffic Forecasts and their Influence on the Environment
T Standfuss, I Galarraga, I Ruiz de Gauna, M Whittome, M Schultz. Aviation and Tourism-Post Pandemic Recovery: Challenges & Solutions 2023
Pandemiegerechte Passagierprozesse in der Flugzeugkabine
M Schultz, M Soolaki, J Fuchte, O Michler, P Schwarzbach. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress (DLRK)
Informationstechnisches Potential Integrierter Kommunikationssysteme zur Zustandserkennung im Kontext der vernetzten Flugzeugkabine
P Schwarzbach, J Ninnemann, O Michler, M Schultz. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress (DLRK)
Developing a departure queue model for integrated arrival and departure operations of runways
Eri Itoh, Daiki Iwata, Michael Schultz. International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS)
Reduced transmission risks for passenger operations during COVID-19 pandemic
Michael Schultz, Majid Soolaki, Oliver Michler, Eri Itoh. International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS)
Estimating Aircraft Departure Queue at a Runway Applying the Time-Varying Fluid Queue Model
D Iwata, E Itoh, M Schultz. ATRS World Conference
Data-driven fusion of turnaround sub-processes to predict aircraft ground time
M Luo, M Schultz, H Fricke, B Desart. ATRS World Conference
Integrated Airside Landside Framework To Assess Passenger Missed Connections with Airport Departure Metering
H Ali, DT Pham, S Alam, M Schultz. International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT)
How to benchmark Air Navigation Service Providers?
T Standfuß, G Hirte, M Schultz. International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA) Conference
Passenger Cabin Operations
M Schultz. SIA-NUS Digital Aviation Corporate Laboratory, National University of Singapore
Dynamic airspace sectorization and mobile sectors
M Schultz. Guest Lecture ATMRI, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Passenger management considering COVID constraints
M Schultz. International Workshop on The Latest Research Trends in Air Traffic Management and Surveillance Technology Supporting Airport Operations
Optimal Schedule Recovery for the Aircraft Gate Assignment with Constrained Resources
E Asadi, M Schultz, H Fricke (2021). Computers and Industrial Engineering 162, 107682
The impact of automation on air traffic controller’s behaviors
Y Wang, R Hu, S Lin, M Schultz, D Delahaye (2021). Aerospace 8(9), 260
Implementation of a Long-Range Air Traffic Flow Management for the Asia-Pacific Region
M Schultz, D Lubig, E Asadi, J Rosenow, E Itoh, S Athota, V Duong (2021). IEEE Access 9, 124640-124659
Predictive classification and understanding of weather impact on airport performance through machine learning
M Schultz, S Reitmann, S Alam (2021). Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 131, 103119
Optimized aircraft disembarkation considering COVID-19 regulations
M Schultz, M Soolaki (2021). Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 1-21
Probabilistic Prediction of Separation Buffer to Compensate for the Closing Effect on Final Approach
S Förster, M Schultz, H Fricke (2021). Aerospace 8 (2), 29
Analytical approach to solve the problem of aircraft passenger boarding during the coronavirus pandemic
M Schultz, M Soolaki (2021). Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 102931
Modeling the European air transportation network considering inter-airport coordination
D Lubig, M Schultz, J Evler, H Fricke, F Herrema, RB Montes, B Desart (2021). 11th SESAR Innovation Days
The Rise of the Smart Passenger I: Analysis of impact on Departing Passenger Flow in Airports
MM Mota, P Scala, M Schultz, D Lubig, M Luo, EJ Perez (2021). 11th SESAR Innovation Days
Propagation of Airport Capacity Improvements to the Air Transport Network
D Lubig, M Schultz, H Fricke, F Herrema, RB Montes, B Desart (2021). IEEE/AIAA 40th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-10
Agent-based simulation for aircraft stand operations to predict ground time using machine learning
M Luo, M Schultz, H Fricke, B Desart, F Herrema, RB Montes (2021). IEEE/AIAA 40th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-8
Air taxi flight performance modeling and application
R Brühl, H Fricke, M Schultz (2021). USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar
COVID-19: Passenger Boarding and Disembarkation
M Schultz, M Soolaki, E Bakhshian, M Salari, J Fuchte (2021). USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar
Flight Prioritization and Turnaround Recovery
J Evler, M Schultz, H Fricke (2021). USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar
COVID-19-related challenges for new normality in airport terminal operations
M Schultz, M Luo, D Lubig, MM Mota, P Scala (2021). Winter Simulation Conference
Future aircraft turnaround operations considering post-pandemic requirements
M Schultz, J Evler, E Asadi, H Preis, H Fricke, CL Wu (2020). Journal of Air Transport Management 89, 101886
Evaluation of Strategies to Reduce the Cost Impacts of Flight Delays on Total Network Costs
J Rosenow, P Michling, M Schultz, J Schönberger (2020). Aerospace 7 (11), 165
Analytical approach to solve the problem of aircraft passenger boarding during the coronavirus pandemic
M Schultz, M Soolaki (2020). arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.16021
Evaluation of Technology-Supported Distance Measuring to Ensure Safe Aircraft Boarding during COVID-19 Pandemic
P Schwarzbach, J Engelbrecht, A Michler, M Schultz, O Michler (2020). Sustainability 12 (20), 8724
Evaluation of aircraft boarding scenarios considering reduced transmissions risks
M Schultz, J Fuchte (2020). Sustainability 12 (13), 5329
From free-route air traffic to an adapted dynamic main-flow system
I Gerdes, A Temme, M Schultz (2020). Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 115
Concept of a Long-Range Air Traffic Flow Management, Online Presentation
M Schultz, D Lubig, J Rosenow, E Itoh, S Athota, VN Duong (2020). 10th SESAR Innovation Days
Devising Strategies for Aircraft Arrival Processes via Distance-based Queuing Models
E Itoh, M Schultz, S Athota, VN Duong (2020). 10th SESAR Innovation Days
Speed Control Strategies for E-AMAN using Holding Detection-Delay Prediction Model
I Dhief, ZJ Lim, SK Goh, DT Pham, S Alam, M Schultz (2020). 10th SESAR Innovation Days
Development of stochastic delay cost functions
J Evler, M Schultz, H Fricke, A Cook (2020). 10th SESAR Innovation Days
Using Open Source Data for Landing TimePrediction with Machine Learning Methods
G Chen, J Rosenow, M Schultz, O Okhrin (2020). Proceedings 59 (1), 5 - 8th OpenSky Symposium
Analysis of airport ground operations based on ADS-B data
M Schultz, X Olive, J Rosenow, H Fricke, S Alam (2020). International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics for Air Transportation
Dynamic hot spot prediction by learning spatial-temporal utilization of taxiway intersections
H Ali, R Delair, D T Pham, S Alam, M Schultz (2020). Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics in Air Transportation
Creating the future airport passenger experience: IMHOTEP
MM Mota, P Scala, R Herranz, M Schultz, E Jimenez (2020). The International Multidisciplinary Modeling & Simulation Multiconference (I3M)
Future Demand and Optimum Distribution of Droneports
Y Zeng, KH Low, M Schultz, and VN Duong (2020). IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)
Short-Term Trajectory Prediction Using Generative Machine Learning Methods
TH Le, PN Tran, DT Pham, M Schultz, S Alam (2020). International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT)
Droneport Placement Optimization and Capacity Prediction
Y Zeng, LK Huat, VN Duong, M Schultz (2020). International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT)
Predicting Aircraft Landing Time in Extended-TMA Using Machine Learning Methods
I Dhief, Z Wang, M Liang, S Alam, M Schultz, D Delahaye (2020). International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT)
Aircraft performance-based redesign of airport obstacle limitation surfaces
K Ahnert, H Fricke, M Schultz (2020). International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT)
The Connected Aircraft Cabin – Passenger Boarding in the Times of COVID-19
M Schultz (invited talk, 2020). VESS – Virtual EUROSIM Simulation Seminars
Passenger boarding considering COVID19 constraints
M Schultz (invited talk, 2020). 4th International Workshop on Airplane Boarding
Airport Performance Monitoring using ADS-B Data
M Schultz, S Förster, X Olive, E Spinielli, R Koelle (2020). 8th OpenSky Symposium
Data-driven trajectory management at airports ( Folien, Video)
M Schultz (invited talk, 2020). Applied Machine Learning Days
Flow-Centric Air Traffic Control: Human in the Loop Simulation Experiment
AS Bin Jumad, K Tominaga, XY Chua, E Itoh, M Schultz, VN Duong (2023). Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), San Antonio, Texas, USA
Agent-Based Simulation for Aircraft Stand Operations to Predict Ground Time Using Machine Learning
M Luo, M Schultz, H Fricke, B Desart, R Barragán Montes, F Herrema (2021). Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), San Antonio, Texas, USA
Advanced Quantification of Weather Impact on Air Traffic Management - Intelligent Weather Categorization with Machine Learning
S Reitmann, S Alam, M Schultz (2019). USA and Europe ATM Seminar, Vienna
Fast Aircraft Turnaround Enabled by Reliable Passenger Boarding
M Schultz (2018) - Aerospace Best Paper -. Aerospace 2018, 5(1), 8
Prediction of Passenger Boarding Process using Neural Network Approach
M Schultz, S Reitmann (2018) - Best Paper of Conference -. International Conference on Research in Airport Transportation (ICRAT), Castelldefels
Modeling external disturbances for aircraft in flight to build reliable 4D trajectories
T Pabst, T Kunze, M Schultz, H Fricke (2013). International Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems (ATACCS), Naples
Tradeoff between optimum altitude and contrail layer to ensure maximum ecological en-route performance using the Enhanced Trajectory Prediction Model (ETPM)
M Kaiser, J Rosenow, H Fricke, M Schultz (2012). International Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems (ATACCS), London
Turnaround Prediction with Stochastic Process Times and Airport specific Delay Pattern
B Oreschko, T Kunze, M Schultz, H Fricke, V Kumar, L Sherry (2012). International Conference on Research in Airport Transportation (ICRAT), Berkeley
Significant Turnaround Process Variations due to Airport Characteristics
B Oreschko, M Schultz, J Elflein, H Fricke (2010). Air Transport and Operations Symposium (ATOS), Delft
Improving Aircraft Turnaround Reliability
M Schultz, H Fricke (2008). International Conference on Research in Airport Transportation (ICRAT), Fairfax