Miniseminar zum laufenden norwegischen Forschungsprojekte Durable Advanced Concrete Structures (DaCS). Prof. Thienel gibt eine Keynote zum Thema "Anwendungsbeispiele für konstruktive Leichtbetone".

K.-Ch. Thienel ist mit dem Beitrag "Energetisch und gestalterisch modernes Bauen mit Infraleichtbeton" beteiligt.

"Amphoteric super plasticizers for cement blended with a calcined clay" by Marlene Schmid, Ricarda Sposito, Nancy Beuntner, Karl-Christian Thienel and Johann Plank will be presented.
"ARCILLAS CALCINADAS COMO SCMs EN HORMIGONES", Silvina V. Zito, Gisela P. Cordoba, Ricarda Sposito, Alejandra Tironi, Viviana F. Rahhal, Karl-Ch. Thienel, Edgardo F. Irassar

Auf der SMSS wird das Institut mit dem Beitrag "Pozzolanic potential of calcined clay in high-performance concrete "Pozzolanic potential of calcined clay in high-performance concrete" vertreten sein.

R. Sposito präsentiert den Beitrag "Early hydration behavior of blended cementitious systems containing calcined clays and superplasticizer" R. Sposito, M. Schmid, N. Beuntner, J. Plank, K.-Ch. Thienel

Logo des 4. Grazer Betonkolloquium
"Calcinierte Tone als innovativer Zementersatzstoff und ihre Wechselwirkungen mit Fließmitteln in Zementleim" Ricarda Sposito
Die Ingenieurekammer Baden-Württemberg organisiert zusammen mit Liapor GmbH & Co. KG und InformationsZentrum Beton GmbH eine Vortragveranstaltung mit begleitendem Versuchsprogram und einer Objektbesichtigung.
"Performance of calcined clays in mineral construction materials", Thienel, K.-Ch.; Beuntner, N.; Chucholowski, C. ; Scherb, S. "The early hydration of cement with the addition of calcined clay - From single phyllosilicate to clay mixture" Scherb, S.; Beuntner, N., Köberl, M.; Thienel, K.-Ch. "Novel Zwitterionic Superplasticizers for Cements Blended with Calcined Clays", Schmid, M.; Sposito, R.; Thienel, K.-Ch.; Plank, J.
"Calcined Clays as Precursers" - Prof. Karl-Christian Thienel

The purpose of this International Workshop is to present and discuss the most innovative developments and researches on durability and sustainability of concrete construction.

The 6th International Conference on Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (6thICAAC) will be held on September 4-6, 2018 at the University of Potsdam, Germany. Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) has gained world-wide recognition as a high quality, innovative construction material which has been extensively used in a wide range of residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Recently there have been a number of innovative developments in AAC manufacturing processes, product properties and construction methods, resulting in enhanced performance to meet increasingly stringent building design requirements whilst ensuring environmental compliance. AAC products have shown potential for being a universal material that can underwrite commercial, social and sustainable development.
"Beton - Mehr als grau und schwer" Festvortrag von Prof. Dr.-Ing. K.-Ch. Thienel