Panel Discussion | Postdocs in Germany: Challenges, Opportunities, and Perspectives

23. 10. 2023 | 15.30 Uhr - 16.30 Uhr

Panel Discussion | Postdocs in Germany: Challenges, Opportunities, and Perspectives

This event was supposed to take place during the PAW week but had to be postponed. Join us now on October 23rd 3.30-4.30 pm. via Zoom.

During the last years, the situation and challenges postdocs in Germany face have been widely discussed and received widespread attention. Particularly in the ongoing conversation regarding the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, there have been several pressing conversations about what is “best” for German academia and postdoctoral researchers in general. However, international postdocs and German postdoc networks have hardly been heard and taken into consideration.  
Panelists: Dr. Jens Brandenburg (BMBF), Dr. Aysel Sultan, Dr. Giovanna Diletta Ielacqua, Dr. Christian Nehls and Dr. Nicholas Russell.

Register here for the panel discussion.


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