International Workshop on High-Resolution Thermal Earth Observation

10-12 May 2023, European Space Agency, ESRIN, Frascati, Rome, Italy.

In my research, I work on geolocating/georeferencing thermal satellite images captured from CubeSats. Thermal satellite images are used for wildfire detection and often need better geolocation information due to low-cost navigating systems onboard. I employ different deep-learning methods to connect the thermal images to any sort of well-geolocated data.

This was the first European Space Agency (ESA) workshop deeply focusing on thermal remote sensing, its applications, and challenges. Keynote speakers from NASA, ESA, Indian Space Agency, and the Italian space agency talked about the new thermal missions in the near future. Additional to space pioneers, several new thermal remote sensing initiatives presented their company, objectives, their satellites on board, and future missions. A bunch of presentations concerning the applications of thermal remote sensing and the solution to current challenges were also provided.

It was significantly important and fruitful for me to attend the workshop in different aspects:

  • Connecting with the community of related people and ongoing works on the same topic
  • Discussing with the people from same area about the challenges and possible solutions
  • Discussions on how to proceed and further improve my work
  • Search for the people that might be interested in my work, namely the CubeSats who

have the same issue with their thermal images

  • Get technical feedback on my research solutions

To sum up, It was very beneficial to attend the workshop since I had the chance to connect with the people who inspired me for my further research.

Mojgan Madadikhaljan is doctoral candidate at the Department of Aerospace Engineering.