Building 41/200, Room 2215 | |
+49 89 6004-4546 | |
prakash.jamakatel@unibw.de |
Prakash Jamakatel M.Sc.
Prakash Jamakatel did his Bachelor of Electrical Engineering in Berlin School of Economics and Law and his Masters in Applied Research in Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg. He researched on methods for Non-Destructive Testing in cooperation with Fraunhofer IGCV during his Masters. Since May 2022, he is a Research Associate at the Institute of Flight Systems in University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interest includes Applied AI (data-driven AI, symbolic AI and their combination) and Human-AI Interaction. His current research focus entails application of AI techniques ranging from AI-planning, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning for classification of utterances, to probabilistic state estimation in design of contextual assistance system. At ICAPS 2023, he won the Best System Demonstration Award, demonstrating FRICO, a cockpit assistance system he developed using AI-Planning methods