Mit dem Fachmagazin „Designen für den Einsatz“ gibt es eine neue Publikation an der Universität der Bundeswehr München. Hinter der zunächst digital erscheinenden Ausgabe steht Dipl. Industriedesigner …

Establishing a startup at the University of the Federal Armed Forces, is that even possible? Yes, it is! That's why in 2019 we launched founders@unibw, to build an entrepreneurial culture at UniBw and to support founders from science and technology in the best possible way with their innovations.
Founders@unibw promotes, supports, and markets all innovations at UniBw M and beyond. Through our network of founders, we showcase solutions that are important for the state and the fulfillment of all governmental tasks, and that serve the common good and the public interest.
We see ourselves as a catalyst for a cultural shift within the Bundeswehr! Through entrepreneurial skill development and spin-offs from science into governmental organizations, we aim to make the state more entrepreneurial and strengthen Europe's sovereignty and future viability in key technologies. Because the future is now!
You can reach us via the visitor entrance at the West Gate (corner of Zwergerstraße / Universitätsstraße).
Please have a valid ID card or passport ready to identify yourself at the guard post.
Prof. Dr. Rafaela Kraus
Telefon: +49 89 6004-4255/4252
Felix Fritz Kästner M.Sc.
Telefon: +49 151 1461-9605