Call for submissions: Sensors Special Issue
28 June 2022
Prof. Thomas Pany, founding member of RC SPACE, is guest editor of the special issue of Sensors on “GNSS Signals and Precise Point Positioning”. Contributions can be submitted as of now.
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are of great importance in research and applications, providing navigation systems with unprecedented precision and reliability of positioning. Due to numerous applications that require high accuracy, such as autonomous driving or unmanned aircrafts and ground vehicles, new demands are always being placed on the systems, so research and development in this area never stops.
Prof. Thomas Pany, Professor of Satellite Navigation, is now contributing his expertise in the field of satellite navigation and precise positioning as guest editor of the special issue "GNSS Signals and Precise Point Positioning" of the journal Sensors, which he is coordinating. The special issue brings the following topics into focus:
- Solutions and applications to improve GNSS navigation quality,
- new applications and improvements in precise point positioning navigation,
- smartphones and low-cost receivers,
- data analysis for GNSS,
- different types of navigation,
- data demodulation for the Galileo High Accuracy Service,
- combining different sensors with GNSS.
Experts are invited to submit their contributions on the topics of the special issue. Manuscripts for this special issue can be submitted until 15 January 2023. For more information about the special issue and how to submit manuscripts, please visit the Sensors journal website >
Image: © gettyimages/Tippapatt