SatNEx School 2021 at UniBw M
2 December 2021
This year's SatNEx Seasonal School on the topic "Reinventing Satellite Communication Networks beyond the Digital Era" was hosted by the Institute of Information Technology at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich under the direction of Prof. Andreas Knopp.
During the three-day academic training program, internationally recognized experts from academia and industry addressed key aspects of future satellite communication systems in their presentations. The broad spectrum of topics discussed included the integration into 5G infrastructures, the development of IoT-based applications and the importance of secure communication links.
Participants were also able to get a good idea of the SPACE Research Center's facilities during a guided tour of the Munich Center for Space Communications. The exhibition of several laboratory experiments by PhD students of the chair offered the opportunity to have exciting scientific discussions with young researchers and engineers from all over Europe.
The event was organized with the support of the SatNEx V initiative. SatNEx (Satellite Network of Experts) is a project of the European Space Agency ESA that, among other things, promotes supporting collaboration between European research institutes on innovative technologies for satellite communication.
Image: Group picture of the participants (© Universität der Bundeswehr München / Siebold)