Project SeRANIS: Visit of Minister Kramp-Karrenbauer
25 Juni 2021
Federal Minister of Defence Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer came to University of the Bundeswehr Munich once again three months before the Bundestag elections to promote 662 students to officer. The Minister of Defense also took advantage of her visit to the University of the Bundeswehr Munich to inform herself about current and strategic research projects, for example in the fields of satellite communications and aerospace technology. Professor Andreas Knopp informed Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer about the SeRANIS research project. The research project SeRANIS is part of the newly established dtec.bw – Digitalization and Technology Research Center of the Bundeswehr. The mission "Seamless Radio Access Networks for Internet of Space", or SeRANIS for short, bears the central research objective in its name: The project deals intensively with the problem of communication between different networks such as mobile radio and satellite constellations.
Image: © Universität der Bundeswehr München/Siebold