This page includes the list of publications and Online articles for Smartphone Positioning.
No. | Description | link |
1 |
Sharma, Himanshu; Bochkati, Mohammed; Christian, Lichtenberger; Pany, Thomas; Darugna, Francesco; Wübbena, Jannes B "Smartphone-based GNSS Positioning – Today and Tomorrow" InsideGNSS, Issue October/November 2021 |
Here |
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Sharma, Himanshu; Bochkati, Mohamed; Pany, Thomas "Time-Synchronized GNSS/IMU Data Logging from Android Smartphone and its Influence on the Positioning Accuracy" Proceedings of the ION GNSS+ 2021, St. Louis, Missouri, USA |
Here |
3 | Bochkati, Mohamed; Pany, Thomas; "Does the Android Operating System Provide what the MEMS-IMU Manufacturers Promise?", Inertial Sensor and Systems 2021, Braunschweig, Germany
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4 | Christian, Lichtenberger; Bochkati, Mohamed; Sharma, Himanshu; Hofacker, Max; Pany, Thomas; "Flying Smartphones on UAVs to avoid multipath for successful carrier phase ambiguity fixing" ENC 2021 |
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5 |
Sharma, Himanshu. Bochkati, Mohamed. Pany, Thomas. “Influence of the Multipath Mitigation on Precise Positioning with Smartphone Raw GNSS Measurements” Proceedings of the ISGNSS 2019, Jeju, South Korea |
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6 |
Sharma, Himanshu. Schütz, Andreas. Pany, Thomas. “Emulating the Smartphone GNSS receiver to Understand and Analyze the Anomalies in RTK Positioning using GNSS Raw Measurements” Proceedings of the 2019 International technical Meeting of the Institute of navigation, Reston, Virginia, January 2019, pp. 577-582 |
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7 |
Sharma, Himanshu. Schütz, Andreas. Pany, Thomas. “Qualitative Analysis of Smartphone GNSS Raw Measurements and Effect of Duty Cycling on the RTK Positioning”, NAVITEC 2018, Netherlands |
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8 |
Sharma, Himanshu. Schütz, Andreas. Pany, Thomas. ”Preliminary Analysis of the RTK Positioning using Android GNSS Raw Measurements and Application Feasibility for the Trajectory Mapping using UAV's” Proceedings of the 31st International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS + 2018), Miami, Florida September 2018, pp. 432-444. |
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9 |
Sharma, Himanshu. Bochkati, Mohamed. Kestel, Gerhard. Pany, Thomas. "Researchers Achieve 1-2cm level Accuracy with Commercial Smartphone" Inside GNSS, 2019 |
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10 |
Bochkati, Mohamed, Sharma, Himanshu, Lichtenberger, Christian A., Pany, Thomas, "Demonstration of Fused RTK (Fixed) + Inertial Positioning Using Android Smartphone Sensors Only" 2020 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), Portland, Oregon, April 2020, pp. 1140-1154. |
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