Do you need a residence permit? With the exception of nationals from EU countries, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and Lichtenstein, who do not need to apply for a residence permit, all other foreign nationals need a residence permit to stay in Germany for longer than 90 days. The German residence permit for the purpose of studies will allow you to study or carry out research in Germany beyond the period of 90 days. After entering Germany, firstly, register your address in Munich at the Residence Registration Office (Bürgerbüro) operated by the Department of Public Order (Kreisverwaltungsreferat) within two weeks. Secondly, you will need to apply for a residence permit for the purpose of studies by handing in the following documents to the Foreigners Office:

  • Application form (completed in full)
  • Valid passport
  • One recent photograph that satisfies biometric criteria (photo booths available at the Foreigners Office)
  • Your UniBwM enrollment certificate
  • Proof of adequate funding (e.g. a formal obligation by a third party)
  • Proof of adequate health insurance

For more information and forms to be downloaded, please visit the website of the Foreigners Office: