Internationalization at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich (UniBw M)

Over the past several years, the University of the Bundeswehr Munich has been working towards the goal of developing a more international environment for teaching and research. To this end we have adopted the standards established in the Bologna Accords, based on the principle that internationalization of academic institutions is essential for achieving excellence. Fostering and maintaining the international networks of our faculty members and researchers is thus one of our top priorities. The university is also striving to provide our most talented young scholars with more opportunities to complete their degrees abroad.

By gearing the educational focus towards internationalization, we prepare our graduates for challenges they will face not only in the Bundeswehr, but also in civilian careers. At the same time, we are making our university more attractive to civilian students in Germany and abroad. In accordance with the regulatory framework, the following internationalization measures are currently being implemented:

  • internationalization of courses offered at the university
  • increasing involvement of guest professors
  • opening the university to more civilian students from other countries
  • integrating periods of study abroad for our students and instructors