Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen 2017
(in Arbeit - aktuell 26 - Stand: 16.01.2018)

Greifelt, A.; Heiland, G.; Gerling, D.:
Modular active high power densitiy 380 V PFC with SiC-MOSFET technology for mobile applications
12th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS-2017), Seiten 1112-1119, 12.-15. Dezember 2017,
Honolulu (HI), USA
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Grothmann, B.; Jagosz, D.; Rieblinger, J.; Reiland, N.; Gerling, D.:
Investigation and Performance-Evaluation of Online Sensor Fault-Compensation for IPM-Drives
12th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS-2017), Seiten 573-580, 12.-15. Dezember 2017,
Honolulu (HI), USA
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Dotz, B.; Ippisch, M.; Gerling, D.:
Design Considerations on a 36-Slot 28-Pole Permanent Magnet Drive
12th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS-2017), Seiten 360-367, 12.-15. Dezember 2017,
Honolulu (HI), USA
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Greifelt, A.; Rubey, B.; Gerling, D.:
High temperature superconductor based 500 kW smart grid charging for mobile applications
2017 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC-2017), 11.-14. Dezember 2017,
Belfort, Frankreich
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Gerling, D.:
ISCAD: High-Power Traction Drives at 48V
7th International Electric Drives Production Conference and Exhibition (EDPC-2017), 05.-06. Dezember 2017,
Keynote Vortrag,
Würzburg, Deutschland
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Greifelt, A.; Heiland, G.; Gerling, D.:
Modular 11kW bidirectional onboard charger with SiC-MOSFET technology for mobile applications
Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP-2017), 19.-22. November 2017,
Juiz de Fora, Brasilien
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Greifelt, A.; Bachinski Pinhal, D.; Gerling, D.:
Reduction of Simulation Time of Electromagnetic Finite Element Analysis using Virtual Hard Drives
35. CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference - Fachkonferenz zur Numerischen Simulation in der Produktentwicklung (CASCON-2017), 15.-17. November 2017,
Koblenz, Deutschland
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Bachinski Pinhal, D.; Gerling, D.:
Calculation of Torque-Speed Capability Curve of Current Excited AC-Synchronous Motors
35. CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference - Fachkonferenz zur Numerischen Simulation in der Produktentwicklung (CASCON-2017), 15.-17. November 2017,
Koblenz, Deutschland
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Gerling, D.:
Elektromobilität - Wunsch oder Wirklichkeit
Festvortrag anläßlich des "Dies Academicus" an der Universität der Bundeswehr München (2017), 20. Oktober 2017,
Neubiberg, Deutschland
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Gerling, D.:
Innovative Motorarchitektur zur Vereinfachung der Wertschöpfungskette in der Elektromotorproduktion
5. Elektromobilproduktionstag 2017 (EPT-2017) - RWTH Aachen, 11. Oktober 2017,
Aachen, Deutschland
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Bachheibl, F.; Patzak, A.; Ehmann, M.; Rubey, B.; Moros, O.; Gerling, D.:
48 V - the Future of Automotive Traction
30th International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition (EVS30-2017), 09.-11. Oktober 2017,
Stuttgart, Deutschland
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Bilyi, V.; Bilyi, D.; Moros, O.; Dajaku, G.; Gerling, D.:
Synchronous Reluctance Machine with Multiphase Stator Cage Winding
20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS-2017), 11.-14. August 2017,
Sydney, Australien
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Saur, M.; Gaona Erazo, D.E.; Zdravkovic, J.; Lehner, B.; Gerling, D.; Lorenz, R.D.:
Minimizing Torque Ripple of Highly Saturated Salient Pole Synchronous Machines by Applying DB-DTFC
IEEE Journal Transactions on Industry Applications (TIA), Vol. 53, Nr. 4, Juli/August 2017, Seiten 3643 - 3651,
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Grothmann, B.; Poelsterl, T.; Gerling, D.:
Online Compensation of Current Sensor Gain-Faults for Safety-Relevant IPM-Drives
2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC-2017), Seiten 701-706, 22.-24. Juni 2017,
Chicago (IL), USA
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Dotz, B.; Gerling, D.:
Winding Factor Analysis of Star-Delta Windings
2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC-2017), Seiten 579-585, 22.-24. Juni 2017,
Chicago (IL), USA
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Dotz, B.; Gerling, D.:
Windings with Various Numbers of Turns per Phasor
IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC-2017), 21.-24. Mai 2017,
Miami (FL), USA
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Dajaku, G.; Bilyi, V.; Gerling, D.:
Feasibility Analysis of an Improved FSCW for Synchronous Reluctance Traction Machines
IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC-2017), 21.-24. Mai 2017,
Miami (FL), USA
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Gerling, D.:
48 V Traction Drives for the BEV Mass Market
Internationale Fachtagung "Electric & Electronic Systems in Hybrid and Electrical Vehicles and Electrical Energy Management" 2017 (EEHE-2017), 17.-18. Mai 2017,
Bamberg, Deutschland
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Wang, Y.; Wang, X; Xie, W.; Wang, F.; Dou, M.; Kennel, R.M.; Lorenz, R.D.; Gerling, D.:
Deadbeat Model-Predictive Torque Control With Discrete Space-Vector Modulation for PMSM Drives
IEEE Journal Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE), Vol. 64, Nr. 5, May 2017, Seiten 3537 - 3547,
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Al-Khafaji, H.; Bachinski Pinhal, D.; Stokmaier, M.:
Optimization of a Series Prodction Electric Machine in shortest time
(Customer Story / Electrical Engineering)

Zeitschrift RDO-Journal Ausgabe 2017-01 (April 2017), Seiten 33 - 36,
DYNARDO (Dynamic Software and Engineering) GmbH, Weimar, Deutschland
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Gerling, D.:
Elektromobilität - aktueller Stand und künftige Entwicklung
Vortragsveranstaltung vom Marinekommando Rostock und dem Oberlandesgericht Rostock
(auf Einladung vom Inspekteur der Marine, Herrn Vizeadmiral Andreas Krause und dem Präsidenten des Oberlandesgerichts Rostock, Herrn Burkhard Thiele), 23. März 2017,
Rostock, Deutschland

Chen, J.; Chen, Z.; Wang, D.; Wu, L.; Zheng, X.; Birnkammer, F.; Gerling, D.:
Influence of temperature on magnetic properties of silicon steel lamination
AIP Advances, Vol. 7, Nr. 5, Seiten 056113, online veröffentlicht am 13. März 2017,
American Institute of Physics, College Park (MD), USA
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Baumgardt, A.:
48 V Traction Battery
Automotive 48 Volt Power Supply and Electrification Systems 2017 Forum, 15.-16. Februar 2017,
Berlin, Deutschland
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Patzak, A.:
48 V Traction - A Safe, Cheap and Efficient Alternative
Automotive 48 Volt Power Supply and Electrification Systems 2017 Forum, 15.-16. Februar 2017,
Berlin, Deutschland
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Bachheibl, F.; Gerling, D.:
Workshop: "48 V - The future of traction drives"
5th International Conference Advanced E-Motor Technology (AET-2017), 14.-16. Februar 2017,
Berlin, Deutschland
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Gerling, D.:
Current Trends in Electrical Drive Technology
5th International Conference Advanced E-Motor Technology (AET-2017), 14.-16. Februar 2017,
Berlin, Deutschland
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