Beitrag des Instituts für Unternehmensführung auf dem IAMPS 2018 in Bukarest, Rumänien
07. 05. 2018
- 10. 05. 2018
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Prof. Dr. Kraus und Tanja Kreitenweis sind auf dem International Applied Military Psychology Symposium - IAMPS - mit einem Beitrag zu "Competence Management in the German Armed Forces" vertreten.
Aus dem Abstract des Beitrags von Rafaela Kraus &Tanja Kreitenweis:
"From the perspective of competence research, military missions and novel leadership tasks are situations which are highly suited to develop competencies in a particularly sustainable manner. For this reason, the aim of this study is to shed light on the opportunities of competency development in the context of job-based training and development to derive recommendations for action for the competence management of the German Armed Forces."
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