[GER] Interview with Prof. Dr. Stetter in the Aachener Zeitung.
[GER] Interview with Prof. Dr. Stetter in the Aachener Zeitung.
[GER] Interview with Prof. Dr. Stetter on alpha demokratie.
Neuerscheinung Herausgegeben von Stephan Stetter und Mitra Moussa Nabo
New Article by Stephan Stetter. PDF- Version available for download
The new book by Jan Busse was published on April 28th by Routledge. Click here for more information.
A web seminar organized by Jan Busse and the European Institute for the Mediterranean
in Mediterranean Politics, 26, 1, online first, DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2021.1889301
Online Disinformation and Cyber Propaganda in International Politics