sebastian.ketterl@unibw.de |
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Ketterl
Research Interests
- Direct numerical and large-eddy simulation
- Multiphase flow
- Turbulence modeling
- Höhere Mathematik 3 (WT16, WT17)
Journal publications
Ketterl S., Reissmann M., Klein M. (2019). Towards large-eddy simulation of multiphase flows using the volume of fluid method: Part 2 – A-posteriori analysis of liquid jet atomisation, Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow, 1(3), 201-211.
Klein M., Ketterl S., Hasslberger J. (2019). Towards large-eddy simulation of multiphase flows using the volume of fluid method: Part 1 – Governing equations and a-priori analysis, Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow, 1(2), 130-144.
Klein M., Ketterl S., Kobayashi H. (2019). Regularised, parameter free scale similarity type models for large-eddy simulation, submitted.
- Hasslberger J., Ketterl S., Klein M., Chakraborty N. (2018). Flow topologies in primary atomization of liquid jets: A direct numerical simulation analysis, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 859, 819-838.
- Chakraborty N., Wacks D.H., Ketterl S., Klein M., and Im H.G. (2018). Scalar dissipation rate transport conditional on flow topologies in different regimes of premixed turbulent combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37
- Ketterl S., Klein M. (2018). A band-width filtered forcing based generation of turbulent inflow data and its application to primary breakup of liquid jets. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 101, 413-432.
- Ketterl S., Klein M. (2018). A-priori assessment of subgrid scale models for large-eddy simulation for multiphase primary breakup. Computers & Fluids, 165, 64-77.
- Klein, M., Chakraborty, N., Ketterl, S. (2017). A comparison of strategies for direct numerical simulation of turbulence chemistry interaction in generic planar turbulent premixed flames. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 99(3-4), 955-971.
Conference contributions
- Ketterl S., Klein M. (2019). A new approach for subgrid scale modelling of surface tension for large-eddy simulation of liquid atomization, International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien.
- Ketterl S., Klein M., Kobayashi H. (2019). Analysis of regularised scale similarity type models in the context of two-phase flow with moving boundaries, Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation, Madrid, Spanien.
- Hasslberger J., Ketterl S., Sattelmayer T. (2019). , An adaptive flame-tracking shock-capturing scheme for industry-scale explosion simulations, 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS), Beijing, China.
- Hasslberger J., Ketterl S., Klein M. (2019). A-priori assessment of existing and novel interfacial subgrid scale closures in the two-phase flow large-eddy simulation context, Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation, Madrid, Spanien.
- Ketterl S., Klein M. (2017). A-priori and a-posteriori assessment of LES subgrid models for liquid jet atomization. Tenth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Chicago, USA
- Ketterl S., Klein M. (2017). A novel turbulent inflow data generation method and its application to the simulation of primary breakup. Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation, Pisa, Italien.
- Hasslberger J., Ketterl S., Klein M. (2017). DNS of single bubble dynamics in turbulent counterflow, Parallel CFD Conference 2017, Glasgow, Großbritannien.
- Ketterl S., Klein M. (2016). A-priori DNS assessment of les subgrid models for liquid jet atomization. European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Brighton, Großbritannien.
- Ketterl S., Klein M. (2016). Towards large-eddy simulation of liquid jet atomization: A-priori subgrid analysis. International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Firenze, Italien.
- Ketterl S., Klein M. (2015). Towards large-eddy simulation of liquid jet atomization: Direct numerical simulation and a-priori subgrid analysis. Multiphase Flow Conference & Short Course, Dresden, Deutschland.
Supervised Thesis/ Student Projects
- A-priori Analyse von LES Feinstrukturmodellen
- A-priori Analyse von LES Modellen zur Modellierung des Feinstrukturmassentroms
- Simulation isotroper Turbulenz nicht-newtonischer Fluide
- Simulation nicht-newtonischen Strahlzerfalls
- Anwendung neuronaler Netze in der Turbulenzmodellierung
- Large-eddy Simulation des Primärzerfalls
- Kopplung synthetischer Turbulenz an den Gerris Strömungslöser
- Parallelisierung eines Tropfensuchalgorithmus