Call for Abstracts

AGERG Symposium at the Universität der Bundeswehr München

July 30 to 31, 2020

Topic: "Models of Postgraduate Education: International Insights and Experiences"


The second AGERG symposium attheUniversität der Bundeswehr München exploresthe field of postgraduate education. While using abroad approach, thegoal of this symposium is to address the following research questions: How dovarious models understand academic education and how do they contribute to it? How does the idea of scientific education, being the underlying principle behind postgraduate education, ensure research quality?

This link directs to the complete call.

Abstracts are due October 14, 2020.



The Anglo-German-Educational Research Group (AGERG) is a research cooperation of German and English scientists whose focus is on research in studies on comparative education between England and Germany.



The aim of this research group is to initiate and to support studies with a focus on comparing education in the United Kingdom and Germany. The group aims to establish Anglo-German research contacts and to strengthen friendship between the two countries.

Initiation of AGERG

The Anglo-German Educational Research Group was initiated by Professor David Phillips of the University of Oxford in 2004 and is chaired jointly with Professor Rudolf Tippelt of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich.

David Phillips has run the MSc course in Comparative Education in Oxford, chairs the editorial board of Comparative Education, edits Research in Comparative and International Education (RCIE,, and is general editor of the series Oxford Studies in Comparative Education. For twenty years (1984-1004) he was editor of the Oxford Review of Education. He has been chair of the British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE) and has served on the board of directors of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) of the United States.

He has been a member of various higher education evaluation commissions in Germany, Switzerland, and Sweden. He is a Fellow of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, an academician of the British Social Sciences Academy, and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.


Founder Members





Research in Comparative and International Education, 2017, vol. 12, number 3

  • Teachers’ Self-Perceptions in England and Germany: Methodological Nationalism and Negative Points of Reference in Comparative Research. Pietraß, M./ Kuhlee, D.: Why Comparing? Historical, empirical, and theoretical studies in comparative education exemplified by Germany and the United Kingdom. Research in Comparative and International Education.


CESE Conference 2016, Glasgow

  •  “The why, what, and how of comparing education in England and Germany”, Kelly, P., Kotthoff, H. G.


Symposium February 2015, Munich

  • “Collaborative Research in Comparative Education – The Anglo-German Educational Research Group (AGERG) and beyond”, Universität der Bundeswehr München. Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).


DGfE-Congress 2014, Berlin

  • Research forum: “What and who gets published and why? – Explaining publication patterns in leading national and international journals in education”, Ertl, H.; Zierer, K.; Tippelt, R.; Phillips, D.
  • Research forum: “Transfer und Implementierung der PIAAC-Ergebnisse”, Tippelt, R.; Schrader, J.
  • Symposium: “Didaktische Modellbildung: gestern – heute – morgen”, Zierer, K.


Conference November 2013, Luxemburg

  • ‘MultiPluriTrans. Emerging Fields in Educational Ethnography’ and translocal conditions for interactions between students and teachers. Paper: „Reflections on a comparative meta-ethnography”, Fritzsche, B.; Kakos, M.


DGfE-Congress 2012, Osnabrück

  • Research forum: “Analyse des Publikationsaufkommens in führenden deutsch- und englischsprachigen Zeitschriften der Erziehungswissenschaft und Implikationen für die Erziehungswissenschaft aus international-vergleichender Sicht”, Zierer, K.
  • DFG-Project “Analyse des Publikationsaufkommens in führenden US-amerikanischen und europäischen Zeitschriften der Erziehungswissenschaft”, Zierer K.
  • ORA-Project “Publikationsmuster in führenden deutsch- und englischsprachigen Zeitschriften der Pädagogik – Eine Untersuchung von Traditionslinien im Zeitverlauf”, Ertl, H.


ECER September 2011 , Cadiz

  • Symposium ‘Educational research at the crossroads? What the analysis of journals of education can tell us about the past and future development of the discipline’, Paper part of the Symposium „What and who gets published and why? – Publication patterns in leading European and American journals of education”, Ertl, H.; Mertova, P.; Zierer, K.


DGfE-Congress 2010, Mainz

  • Research forum: „Transnationale Bildungspolitik und nationale Bildungskontexte. Die Perspektive der vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft“, Pietraß, M.


ECER September 2008 , Helsinki

  • From Teaching to Learning – Workshop „Pathways into Academia: Early Career Development in Higher Education in a Comparative Perspective”, Pietraß, M.