efficiency assessment in European ATM
1 January 2024
Efficiency assessment in European air traffic management - A fundamental analysis of data, models, and methods
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2023.102523T Standfuss, G Hirte, M Schultz, H Fricke. Journal of Air Transport Management 115, 2024, 102523
The critical role of the aviation sector in global economic prosperity requires an efficient Air Traffic Management (ATM) system. The Flightpath2050 initiative outlines ambitious goals for European ATM, emphasizing the need for significant efficiency improvements. Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), often identified as bottlenecks, play a central role in the air transport framework and are subject to regulatory oversight. Benchmarking of European ATM performance has gained traction to address the challenges posed by the heterogeneity of ANSPs.
Our study addresses the challenges of benchmarking service providers with a focus on incentivizing efficiency-enhancing decisions. Key research questions explore appropriate decision units, non-parametric modeling of the value chain, relevant inputs/outputs, operational units, and appropriate benchmarking methodologies. We advocate a nuanced approach that rejects one-size-fits-all solutions. The structure of the recommendations includes the economic background, the rationale for considering air navigation service providers as decision units, air navigation service factors and operations, and the application of efficiency analysis.