Our research at the chair is organized around the following four thematic fields. The challenges in air transport are in particular the seamless access and efficient operation at airports (passenger and aircraft), the optimized and safe management of the airspace and its users, the integration of urban/ regional air mobility, and the development of appropriate methods for the evaluation and optimization of the overall system. The lectures of the chair are also aligned according to these four thematic fields.
Airport and passengers
Topics are airport terminal (landside) and apron (airside). The research mainly addresses the handling of passengers, considering their individual requirements. In the apron area, the focus is on all operations related to aircraft handling, the optimization of operational procedures during handling, concepts for automation, and the collection and processing of sensor/ process data.
Air Traffic Management
Topics include arrival/ departure management, traffic flow and capacity management with different time horizons, digital tower and controller assistance systems, civil-military integration, and space management. Although the individual challenges of these areas differ, from a scientific point of view there is a considerable degree of synergy in the necessary technological developments.
Urban/ regional mobility
Topics are the air traffic management and integration of different technologies as well as the required infrastructure (vertiports) and location/ connectivity to ground-based transportation. Efficient air traffic management in urban areas and the development of access structures require the consideration of new legal and operational constraints as well as concepts that are aligned with the potential traffic demand.
Method development
The addressed topics can be grouped into three areas: Design, integration, and simulation of agent-based models, determination of complex correlations in the air traffic system by machine learning techniques (classification, regression, clustering, reinforcement learning) as well as digitalization and virtualization of workflows and workplaces.