29th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2016), Portland, Oregon, USA

16 März 2018

Alljährlich nimmt das Institut aktiv an der ION GNSS+ in den USA teil. In 2016 reisten Mitarbeiter/innen des Instituts nach Portland, Oregon, USA, um folgende Paper vorzustellen:

K. Frankl, H. Beckmann, J. Wang, M. Metzner, V. Schwieger and B. Eissfeller, "Preconditions for a Reliable & Robust Detection of Wrong-way Driving on Highways with GNSS and Autonomous Sensors", Proceedings of the 29th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2016), Portland, Oregon, September 2016.