Aktuelle Publikationen
Performance Oriented Fault Tolerant Attitude Control of a Hexacopter using LPV-Control with Partly-Measurable Parameters
Felix Goßmann, Venkata S. Akkinapalli, Guillermo P. Falconí, Ferdinand Svaricek, IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) 2018 |
In this paper the design of a passive fault tolerant controller for a hexacopter is adressed, which is able to cope with actuator degradation. The design is achieved with the linear parameter-varying (LPV) system framework. Based on a nonlinear model a quasi-LPV model is generated through function substitution. This model is extended with a degradation modeling by including additional LPV parameters to describe the actuator degradation. Since the shown approach is passive, these additional parameters are not measurable and therefore, a controller design with a partly measurable parameter vector is accomplished. The obtained controller is evaluated and its performance and capabilities against actuator degradation in comparison to a conventional LPV control design are presented based on simulations with a high-fidelity nonlinear model.
- Goßmann, F., Akkinapalli, V. S., Falconí, G. P., Svaricek, F.: Performance Oriented Fault Tolerant Attitude Control of a Hexacopter using LPV-Control with Partly-Measurable Parameters, IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 21-24, 2018
Design and Experimental Assessment of an Active Fault-Tolerant LPV Vertical Dynamics Controller
Michael Fleps-Dezasse, Ferdinand Svaricek, Jonathan Brembeck IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology |
This article addresses the design of an active fault-tolerant full-vehicle semi-active suspension controller by linear parameter-varying (LPV) control methods. The restrictive force constraints of the semi-active damper are modeled by saturation indicator parameters and treated as scheduling parameters in the LPV design. The synthesized LPV controller is subsequently augmented by a damper force reconfiguration exploring the weak input redundancy provided by four dampers in a full-vehicle application. In this way, the controller compensates for damper forces lost in the case of saturation or failure by the remaining dampers. The performance of the proposed LPV controller is validated by experiments on a four-post test-rig. The results show the improved tradeoff between ride comfort and road-holding of the full-vehicle LPV controller compared with a quarter-vehicle LPV controller and a Skyhook-Groundhook controller.
- Fleps-Dezasse, M., Svaricek, F., Brembeck, J.: Design and Experimental Assessment of an Active Fault-Tolerant LPV Vertical Dynamics Controller, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. PP, no. 99, pp. xxxx, 2018
Control of Longitudinal Aircraft Motion with Loadcase Robustness using LPV-Control with Partly-Measurable Parameters
Felix Goßmann, Agnes Gabrys, Ferdinand Svaricek, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference (SciTech) 2018 |
This paper addresses the design of a longitudinal baseline controller of an aircraft. Flight dynamics are usually described through linearized models of the nonlinear rigid body equations, which are only valid in the area of a trimpoint. Hence the dynamics are dependent on parameters such as altitude, airspeed or loadcase, which describes a certain combination of mass, center of gravity and inertia tensor. The current loadcase is often not available during operation. However the flight control system has to fullfill specifications for all possible loadcases. Therefore the loadcase is introduced as an additional parametric dependency besides static and dynamic pressure, which represent current altitude and airspeed. An linear parameter-variant (LPV) controller is designed which depends on static and dynamic pressure only. The design is realized with the use of an LPV technique with partly-measurable parameters. A showcase design for a small regional aircraft is accomplished to present the synthesis and show its capabilities for flight control problems.
- Goßmann, F., Gabrys, A., Svaricek, F.: Control of Longitudinal Aircraft Motion with Loadcase Robustness using LPV-Control with Partly-Measurable Parameters, 2018 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference (SciTech), Kissimmee, Florida (USA), 8.-12 Januar 2018
Arbitrarily precise abstractions for optimal controller synthesis
Matthias Rungger, Gunther Reißig, 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) |
We study a class of leavable, undiscounted, minimax optimal control problems for perturbed, continuous-valued, nonlinear control systems. Leaving or “stopping” is mandatory and the costs are assumed to be non-negative, extended real-valued functions. In a previous contribution, we have shown that this class of optimal control problems is amenable to the solution based on symbolic models of the plant in the sense that an arbitrarily precise upper bound on the value function (measured in terms of its hypograph) can be computed from a given abstraction with prescribed precision on every compact subset of state space. In this work, we propose an algorithm to compute arbitrarily precise abstractions of discrete-time plants that represent the sampled behavior of continuous-time, perturbed, nonlinear control systems and establish the convergence rate of the precision in dependence of the discretization parameters of the algorithm. We illustrate the algorithm by approximately solving an optimal control problem involving a two dimensional version of the cart-pole swing-up problem.
- Rungger, M., Reißig, G.: Arbitrarily precise abstractions for optimal controller synthesis, 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Melbourne, Australia, 12.-15 Dezember 2017
Optimized State Space Grids for Abstractions
Alexander Weber, Matthias Rungger, Gunther Reißig IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2017 |
The practical impact of abstraction-based controller synthesis methods is currently limited by the immense computational effort for obtaining abstractions. In this note we focus on a recently proposed method to compute abstractions whose state space is a cover of the state space of the plant by congruent hyper-intervals. The problem of how to choose the size of the hyper-intervals so as to obtain computable and useful abstractions is unsolved. This note provides a twofold contribution towards a solution. Firstly, we present a functional to predict the computational effort for the abstraction to be computed. Secondly, we propose a method for choosing the aspect ratio of the hyper-intervals when their volume is fixed. More precisely, we propose to choose the aspect ratio so as to minimize a predicted number of transitions of the abstraction to be computed, in order to reduce the computational effort. To this end, we derive a functional to predict the number of transitions in dependence of the aspect ratio. The functional is to be minimized subject to suitable constraints. We characterize the unique solvability of the respective optimization problem and prove that it transforms, under appropriate assumptions, into an equivalent convex problem with strictly convex objective. The latter problem can then be globally solved using standard numerical methods. We demonstrate our approach on an example.
- Weber, A., Rungger, M., Reißig, G.: Optimized State Space Grids for Abstractions, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 62, no. , pp. 5816 - 5821, 2017
Promotionen (Erstgutachter Prof. Ferdinand Svaricek)
Promotionen (Erstgutachter Prof. Gunther Reißig)
Weber, Alexander | |||
25.09.2018, Methoden der Effizienzsteigerung abstraktionsbasierter Reglerentwurfsverfahren |
Publikationen 2020
E. Macoveiciuc and G. Reißig: Guaranteed memory reduction in synthesis of correct-by-design invariance controllers. Proc. of the 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 12-17 July 2020. F. Goßmann, A. Gabrys and F. Svaricek: Longitudinal Short‐Period Aircraft Motion Control Under Loadcase Variation. American Control Conference (ACC), Denver (Colorado), USA, 1-3 July 2020. S. Siegl und F. Svaricek: UFIR-Parameteridentifikation in Echtzeit. at - Automatisierungstechnik, Band 68, Heft 3, S. 176-195, 2020. |
Publikationen 2018
M. Serry and G. Reißig: Hyper-rectangular over-approximations of reachable sets for linear uncertain systems. Proc. of the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami, FL, USA, December 17-19, 2018. G. Reißig and M. Rungger: Symbolic Optimal Control. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Early Access, 2018. M. Fleps-Dezasse, F. Svaricek and J. Brembeck: Design and Experimental Assessment of an Active Fault-Tolerant LPV Vertical Dynamics Controller. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Early Access, 2018. M. Fleps-Dezasse, T. Bünte, F. Svaricek and J. Brembeck: LPV feedforward control of semi-active suspensions for improved roll stability. Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 78, No. 9, 1 - 11, 2018. F. Goßmann, V.S. Akkinapalli, G.P. Falconi and F. Svaricek: Performance Oriented Fault Tolerant Attitude Control of a Hexacopter Using LPV-Control with Partly-Measurable Parameters. Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 722 - 728, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 21-24, 2018. F. Goßmann und F. Svaricek: Fehlertolerante Regelung mit einer parameterabhängigen Zustandsrückführung am Beispiel eines Hexacopters. 52. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium in Boppard, 22. Februar 2018. F. Goßmann, F. Svaricek and A. Gabrys. Control of Longitudinal Aircraft Motion with Loadcase Robustness using LPV-Control with Partly-Measurable Parameters. 2018 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (SciTech), Kissimmee, Florida (USA), January 8 - 12, 2018. |
Publikationen 2016
G. Reißig: Approximate Value Iteration for a Class of Deterministic Optimal Control Problems with Infinite State and Input Alphabets. Proc. of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1063-1068, Las Vegas, USA, December 12-14, 2016. M. Rungger, G. Reißig and M. Zamani: Symbolic Synthesis with Average Performance Guarantees. Proc. of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 7404-7410, Las Vegas, USA, December 12-14, 2016. M. Fleps-Dezasse, M.M. Ahmed, J. Brembeck and F. Svaricek: Experimental Evaluation of Linear Parameter-Varying Semi-Active Suspension Control. Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 77-84, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sept. 19-22, 2016. F. Goßmann und M. Pusch: LPV-Reglerentwurf zur Böenlastabminderung am flexiblen Flugzeug. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig, 13.-15. September, 2016. A. Daasch, M. Schultalbers and F. Svaricek: Structural Non-Minimum Phase Systems. Proc. of the American Control Conference (ACC), 3758-3763, Boston, USA, July 6-8, 2016. A. Daasch, F. Svaricek and M. Schultalbers: Strong Structural Non-Minimum Phase Systems. Proc. of the 6th IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control (SSSC), 51-55, Istanbul, Turkey, June 22—24, 2016. F. Svaricek und N. Lachhab: H_infty-Entwurf fraktionaler PID-Regler. Automatisierungstechnik, at 64, 407-417, 2016. G. Reißig: Optimierte Zustandsraumdiskretisierung für den abstraktionsbasierten Reglerentwurf. 50. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium in Boppard, 18. Februar 2016. |
Publikationen 2014
G. Reißig and M. Rungger: Feedback Refinement Relations for Symbolic Controller Synthesis. Proc. of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 88-94, Los Angeles, USA, December 15-17, 2014.
A. Weber, G. Reißig and F. Svaricek: A linear time algorithm to verify strong structural controllability. Proc. of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 5574-5580, Los Angeles, USA, December 15-17, 2014.
M. Ahmed and F. Svaricek: Adaptive anti-windup approach for vehicle semi-active suspension. Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Modelling, Identification & Control (ICMIC), 265-270, Melbourne, Australia, December 3-5, 2014.
G. Reißig, C. Hartung and F. Svaricek: Strong Structural Controllability and Observability of Linear Time-Varying Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 59, No. 11, 3087-3092, 2014.
A. Weber and G. Reißig: Classical and strong convexity of sublevel sets and application to attainable sets of nonlinear systems. SIAM J. Control Optim., Vol. 52, 2857-2867, 2014
M. Ahmed and F. Svaricek: Preview optimal control of vehicle semi-active suspension based on partitioning of chassis acceleration and tire load spectra. Proc. of the 2014 European Control Conference (ECC), 1669-1674, Strasbourg, France, June 24-27, 2014.
C. Hartung and F. Svaricek: Sign Stabilizability. Proc. of the 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 145-150, Palermo, Italy, June 16-19, 2014.
Publikationen 2012
C. Hartung, G. Reißig and F. Svaricek: Characterization of Strong Structural Controllability of Uncertain Linear Time-Varying Discrete-Time Systems. Proc. of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2189-2194, December 10-13, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2012.
H. Ding, K. Wijaya, G. Reißig und O. Stursberg: Online Computation of Safety-Relevant Regions for Human Robot Interaction. Proc. 43rd Intl. Symp. Robotics (ISR), Taipei, Taiwan, 29-31, 2012.
F. Svaricek: Zur numerischen Berechnung der Nullstellen von Zustandsraummodellen mit Matlab. VDI/GMA FA 1.40 Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik, Salzburg, 18. September 2012.
T. Füger, N. Lachhab und F. Svaricek: Parameterreduktion zur Störunterdrückung mit einem diskreten LPV-Regler. VDI/GMA FA 1.40 Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik, Salzburg, 18. September 2012.
B. Alt, F. Antritter and F. Svaricek: Flatness based Control for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Drivetrains. Proc. of the 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), 915-920, Barcelona, Spain, July 3-6, 2012.
M. Ahmed, N. Lachhab and F. Svaricek: Non-Model Based Adaptive Control of Electro-Hydraulic Servo Systems Using Prefilter Inversion. Proc. of the 9th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), Chemnitz, Germany, March 20-23, 2012.
C. Hartung und F. Svaricek: Zur generischen Beobachtbarkeit linearer und nichtlinearer Systeme. 46. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium in Boppard, Februar 2012.
Publikationen 2010 - 2001
F. Svaricek, T. Füger, H.-J. Karkosch, P. Marienfeld und C. Bohn: Automotive Applications of Active Vibration Control. In: Vibration Control, ed. by M. Lallart, Sciyo, 303-318, 2010.
B. Alt, F. Antritter, F. Svaricek und M. Schultalbers: Ein modellbasiertes Konzept zur Antriebsstrangregelung für ein Parallelhybridfahrzeug. Automatisierungstechnik, at 58, 568-579, 2010.
F. Svaricek, J. Jarczyk und B. Alt: Definition und Bestimmung der Dimension des streng strukturell steuerbaren Unterraums eines linearen Systems. VDI/GMA FA 1.40 Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik, Salzburg, September 2010.
J. Jarczyk, F. Svaricek and B. Alt: Determination of the Dimensions of Strong Structural Controllable Subspaces. Proc. of the 4th IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control, 131-137, Ancona, September 2010.
C. Hartung, C. Nuthong and F. Svaricek: Stochastic Models for Tyre Force Estimation: An Overview about Recent Developments and Trends. Proc. of the IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, 610-615, Munich, July 2010.
B. Alt, F. Antritter, F. Svaricek, J.P. Blath and M. Schultalbers: Improved Performance for the Synchronization of the Angular Velocity in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Using a Feedforward Strategy. In Proc. of the IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, 530-535, Munich, July 2010.
B. Alt, J.P. Blath, F. Svaricek, and M. Schultalbers: Self-Tuning Control Design Strategy for an Electronic Throttle with Experimental Robustness Analysis. Proc. of the 2010 American Control Conference, 6127-6132, Baltimore, July 2010.
B. Alt and F. Svaricek: Second-Order Sliding Modes Control for In-Vehicle Pedal Robots. Proc. of the 11th IEEE Int. Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, 516-521, Mexico City, June 2010.
V. Härtel, F. Svaricek, J. Gogolin und H. Degenbeck: Adaptive Cure Control (ACC) - Ultrakurze Heizzeiten bei höchster Prozeßsicherheit. DKG Fachtagung, Fulda, Juni 2010.
F. Svaricek, V. Härtel, J. Gogolin, H. Degenbeck, T. Nieberl und G. Werner: Heizzeitverkürzung - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der MIMO-Regelung einer Gummispritzpresse. KGK - Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe, 170-176, Mai 2010.
J.C. Jarczyk, B. Alt, J.P. Blath, F. Svaricek und M. Schultalbers: Decoupling Control for the Speed Synchronization Task in the Powertrain of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Proc. of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, 2154-2159, Christchurch, New Zealand, Dezember 2009.
F. Svaricek, V. Härtel und J. Gogolin: Adaptive Fuzzy-Regelung einer Gummispritzpresse. Proc. of the 19. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 3. Dezember 2009.
B. Alt, F. Antritter, J. Blath, F. Svaricek und M. Schultalbers: Ein modellbasierter Ansatz zur Synchronisation der Drehzahlen im Antriebsstrang eines Parallel-Hybridfahrzeugs. VDI/GMA FA 1.40 Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik, Salzburg, September 2009.
B. Alt, J.P. Blath, F. Svaricek and M. Schultalbers: Multiple Sliding Surface Control of Idle Engine Speed and Torque Reserve with Dead Start Assist Control. IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 9, 3580-3592, 2009.
B. Alt, J.P. Blath, F. Svaricek and M. Schultalbers: Dead Start Assist Control Using Higher Order Sliding Modes. Proc. of the European Control Conference, 4259-4264, Budapest, Hungary, August 2009.
J.-F. Stumper, F. Svaricek and R. Kennel: Trajectroy Tracking Control with Flat Inputs and a Dynamic Compensator. Proc. of the European Control Conference, 248-253, Budapest, Hungary, August 2009.
J. Gogolin, F. Svaricek and V. Härtel: Rheological Design of a Rapid Cure System: Theory and Practice. Rubber World, 29 - 33, Juli 2009.
B. Alt, J.P. Blath, F. Svaricek and M. Schultalbers: Control of Idle Engine Speed and Torque Reserve with Higher Order Sliding Modes. Proc. of the 18th IEEE Int. Conference on Control Applications, 363 - 369, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 8. Juli 2009.
F. Svaricek, V. Härtel, J. Gogolin, H. Degenbeck und T. Nieberl: Heizzeitverkürzung - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der MIMO-Regelung einer Gummispritzpresse. International Rubber Conference, Nürnberg, 2. Juli 2009
B. Alt, J.P. Blath, F. Svaricek and M. Schultalbers: Robust Control Design Strategy of an Electronic Throttle with Reduced Calibration Effort. 7. Symposium Steuerungssysteme für den Antriebsstrang von Kraftfahrtzeugen, Berlin 18. Juni 2009.
B. Alt, F. Svaricek, J.P. Blath and M. Schultalbers: Nichtlineare Regelung der Motordrehzahl und des Momentenvorhalts im Leerlauf und beim Anfahrvorgang. 43. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium in Boppard, Februar 2009.
R. Mustafa, T. Goernig und F. Svaricek: Adaptive Fuzzy Path Planning for Semi–Autonomous Parking Maneuvers using a CV–Sensor. Proc. of the 18. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 4. Dezember 2008.
J. Stumper und F. Svaricek: Flachheitsbasierter Entwurf einer robusten Trajektorienfolgeregelung mittels des Konzeptes der flachen Eingänge und einer dynamischen Eingangskompensation. VDI/GMA FA 1.40 Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik, Salzburg, 23. September 2008.
J. Gogolin, F. Svaricek und V. Härtel: Rheologische Auslegung eines Rapid Cure Systems, Theorie und Praxis. LWB Tech Days, Landshut, 11. September 2008.
J. Gogolin, V. Härtel und F. Svaricek: Rheologische Auslegung eines Rapid Cure Systems: Numerische Simulation und Experiment. DKG-Fachtagung , Fulda, 17. Juni 2008.
B. Alt, F. Svaricek, J.P. Blath and M. Schultalbers: Multiple Sliding Surface Control of the Idle Engine Speed and Torque Reserve with Load Torque Estimation. Proc. of the 10th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, VSS'08, 47-54, Antalya, Turkey, June 2008.
C. Bohn, H.-J. Karkosch, S. Knake-Langhorst, P.M. Marienfeld und F. Svaricek: Controlled Inertia-Mass Actuators as Tools for Designing Passive Vibration Absobers. ACTUATOR 2008, 11th International Conference on New Actuators, 420-424, Bremen, June 2008.
B. Alt und F. Svaricek: Experimentelle Identifikation und Sliding Mode Regelung einer elektronischen Drosselklappe. 4. ASIM Workshop Wismar - Modellierung, Regelung und Simulation in Automotive und Prozessautomation, Wismar, Mai 2008.
F. Svaricek: Einführung in Active Noise and Vibration Control. Tagung "Geräusch- und Schwingungskomfort von Kraftfahrzeugen", Haus der Technik, München, Mai 2008.
K. Kowalczyk: Entwicklung und Implementierung von Komfortregelungen in Kraftfahrzeugen mit Hilfe des Rapid Control Prototypings. Tagung "Geräusch- und Schwingungskomfort von Kraftfahrzeugen", Haus der Technik, München, Mai 2008.
V. Härtel, J. Gogolin, T. Nieberl und F. Svaricek: A New Approach to High Perfomance Injection Molding. International Rubber Molding Conference, Chicago, April 2008.
C. Nuthong und F. Svaricek: Estimation of Tire-Road Friction Forces using Extended and Unscented Kalman Filtering for Advanced Vehicle Control. 4. Fachtagung "Steuerung und Regelung von Fahrzeugen und Motoren - AUTOREG 2008", Baden-Baden, Februar 2008, (VDI-Berichte 2009, 49-63).
B. Alt., F. Svaricek, J.P. Blath, und M. Schultalbers: Ein neuer MIMO-Ansatz zum modellbasierten Entwurf eines Leerlaufreglers mit Sliding Mode Control. 4. Fachtagung "Steuerung und Regelung von Fahrzeugen und Motoren - AUTOREG 2008", Baden-Baden, Februar 2008, (VDI-Berichte 2009, 545-558).
P.M. Marienfeld, H.-J. Karkosch, C. Bohn, F. Svaricek und S. Knake-Langhorst: Rapid-Prototyping-Tool zur Abstimmung von Schwingungstilgern. 4. Fachtagung "Steuerung und Regelung von Fahrzeugen und Motoren - AUTOREG 2008", Baden-Baden, Februar 2008, (VDI-Berichte 2009, 137-148).
B. Alt, J.P. Blath, F. Svaricek, M. Schultalbers: Multiple Sliding Surface Design für die Regelung der Leerlaufdrehzahl und der Momentenreserve eines Ottomotors. VDI/GMA FA 1.40 Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik, Salzburg, Austria (2007)
B. Alt, E. Teuscher, F. Svaricek, J.P. Blath und M. Schultalbers: Linear and Nonlinear Modeling for an Electronic Throttle Body. Proc. of the 6th EUROSIM, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept. 2007.
B. Alt., J.P. Blath, K.-D. Otto, F. Svaricek and M. Schultalbers: Observer-Based Output Tracking of Engine Speed and Torque Reserve at Idle with Sliding Mode Control. Proc. of the European Control Conference 2007, 70-77, July 2-5, 2007, Kos, Greece.
U. Kreutzer, F. Svaricek und V. Härtel: Modellierung einer Gummispritzpresse mit einem temperaturgeregelten Einspritzprozeß. 41. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium in Boppard, 22. Februar 2007.
F. Svaricek: Discussion on: "Uniform Observability Analysis for Structured Bilinear Systems. A Graph-theoretic Approach". European Journal of Control, Vol. 12, Number 5, 519-522, 2006.
N. Bajcinca, C. Nuthong, and F. Svaricek: Road Feedback Estimation for Steer-by-Wire Control. Proc. of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 1288-1293, Munich, October 2006.
K. Kowalczyk, H.-J. Karkosch, P.M. Marienfeld and F. Svaricek: Rapid Control Prototyping of Active Vibration Control Systems in Automotive Applications. Proc. of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, 2677-2682, Munich, October 2006.
V. Härtel, U. Kreutzer und F.Svaricek: Entwicklung eines Spritzaggregates mit einer modellbasierten MIMO-Regelung des Prozesses. LWB Tech Days, Oktober 2006.
F. Svaricek: Development of a Digital Multi-variable Control for a Rubber Mold Injection Press with a New Two-stage Injection Process. Continental Technology Day, September 2006.
F. Svaricek: Nulldynamik linearer und nichtlinearer Systeme: Definitionen, Eigenschaften und Anwendungen. Automatisierungstechnik, at 54, 310-322, 2006.
F. Svaricek: Einführung in Active Noise and Vibration Control. Tagung "Geräusch- und Schwingungskomfort von Kraftfahrzeugen", Haus der Technik, Essen, Mai 2006.
K. Kowalczyk und F. Svaricek: Entwicklung und Implementierung von Komfortregelungen in Kraftfahrzeugen mit Hilfe des Rapid Control Prototypings. Tagung "Geräusch- und Schwingungskomfort von Kraftfahrzeugen", Haus der Technik, Essen, Mai 2006.
B. Alt., K.-D. Otto und F. Svaricek: Einführung in Sliding-Mode-Regelung und Ausblick auf die Leerlaufdrehzahlregelung von Vebrennungsmotoren. 3. ASIM Workshop Wismar - Modellierung, Regelung und Simulation in Automotive und Prozessautomation, Wismar, Mai 2006.
P.M. Marienfeld, H.-J. Karkosch und F. Svaricek: Mechatronische Systeme zur Komfortsteigerung in Kraftfahrzeugen im Serieneinsatz - Ein aktueller Überblick. 3. Fachtagung "Steuerung und Regelung von Fahrzeugen und Motoren - AUTOREG 2006", Wiesloch, März 2006, (VDI-Berichte 1931, 293-302).
U. Kreutzer, F. Svaricek: Backstepping - Einführung in einen nichtlinearen Reglerentwurf und seine Anwendungen. VDI/VDE-GMA Fachausschuss 1.4 "Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik", Bosen, 30.09.2005.
C. Bohn, H.-J. Karkosch und F. Svaricek: Zustandsbeobachter für periodische Signale: Anwendung zur aktiven Kompensation motorerregter Karosserieschwingungen. Automatisierungstechnik, at 53, 525-536, 2005.
F. Svaricek, K. Kowalczyk, P. Marienfeld und H.-J. Karkosch: Mechatronische Systeme zur Steigerung des Geräusch- und Schwingungskomforts in Kraftfahrzeugen. Automatisierungstechnische Praxis, atp 47, 84-89, 2005.
K. Kowalczyk und F. Svaricek: Experimental Robustness of FXLMS and Disturbance-Observer Algorithms for Active Vibaration Control in Automotive Applications. Proc. of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 43-48, Prag, July 2005.
F. Svaricek, H.-J. Karkosch, P.M. Marienfeld und K. Kowalczyk: Mechatronische Systeme zur Steigerung des Geräusch- und Schwingungskomforts in Kraftfahrzeugen. GMA-Kongress, Baden-Baden, 07.06.2005, (VDI-Berichte 1883, 285-294).
F. Svaricek, H.-J. Karkosch, K. Kowalczyk und P.M. Marienfeld: Aktive Schwingungskompensation zur Innengeräuschminderung in Fahrzeugen. In: Fastl, Hugo und Fruhmann, Markus (Eds.): Fortschritte der Akustik: Plenarvorträge und Fachbeiträge der 31. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Akustik DAGA 2005, München. Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V., 2005, S. 19-20.
C. Bohn, A. Cortabarria, V. Härtel, und K. Kowalczyk: Active Control of Engine-Induced Vibrations in Automotive Vehicles Using Disturbance Observer Gain Scheduling. Control Engineering Practice 12, 1029-1039, 2004.
K. Kowalczyk, F. Svaricek und C. Bohn: Disturbance–Observer–Based Active Control of Transmission–Induced Vibrations. Proc. of the IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, 78-83, Salerno, April 2004.
K. Kowalczyk, F. Svaricek, C. Bohn und H.-J. Karkosch: Active Control of Engine–Induced–Vibrations: An Experimental Comparison of the FXLMS– and the Disturbance Observer Approach. In Proceedings ACTUATOR 2004: 9th International Conference on New Actuators, 275-278, Bremen, Juni 2004.
K. Kowalczyk, F. Svaricek, C. Bohn und H.-J. Karkosch: An Overview of Recent Automotive Applications of Active Vibration Control. RTO AVT–110 Symposium ”Habitability of Combat and Transport Vehicles: Noise Vibration and Motion”, Prag, October 2004, Paper 24.
C. Bohn, H-J. Karkosch, P.M. Marienfeld und F. Svaricek: Reduzierung des motorseitig eingeleiteten Körperschalls durch Einsatz adaptiver und aktiver Lagersysteme. Tagung "Fahrzeugschwingungen - Global Chassis Control", Haus der Technik, Essen, Dezember 2002.
Ch. Bohn, V. Härtel, H.-J. Karkosch und F. Svaricek: Aktive Kompensation von Aggregateschwingungen im Kfz. Steuerung und Regelung von Fahrzeugen und Motoren - AUTOREG 2002 , Mannheim, April 2002, (VDI-Berichte 1672, 41-52).
F. Svaricek, C. Bohn, H.-J. Karkosch und P.M. Marienfeld: Automotive Applications of Rapid Prototyping for Active Vibration Control. Proc. of the IFAC Workshop "Advances in Automotive Control", 181-186, Karlsruhe, March 2001.
M. Buttelmann, B. Lohmann, P.M. Marienfeld, F. Svaricek, M. Vinogradski und N. Nedeljkovic: Online Identification of Active Absorbers in Automotive Vibration Control. Proc. of the IFAC Workshop "Advances in Automotive Control", 187-192, Karlsruhe, March 2001.
G. Huber, M. Lorenz, F. Svaricek und V. Härtel: Intelligente Materialien zur Schwingungskompensation im KFZ. Adaptronic Congress 2001 , Berlin, April 2001.
A. Cortabarria, C. Bohn, J. Hanna, H-J. Karkosch, P.M. Marienfeld und F. Svaricek: Design, Simulation and Implementation of Active Vibration Control Systems in Automotive Vehicles. 3.VDI/VDE-GMA Aussprachetag "Rechnergestützter Entwurf von Regelungssystemen", Dresden, September 2001.
Publikationen 2019
A. Geisel and F. Svaricek: A MATLAB Toolbox for Structural Analysis of Linear Systems. Proc. of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Systems Structure and Control (SSSC), Sinaia, Romania, Sept. 9 ‐ 11, 2019, (IFAC PapersOnLine 52-17 (2019) 7–12). K. Figel, F. Wobbe, M. Schultalbers and F. Svaricek: Optimization of Drivability Control Functions with Two-Stage Rate Limiters. Proc. of 8th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 4-6 . E. Macoveiciuc and G. Reißig: Memory efficient symbolic solution of quantitative reach-avoid problems. Proc. of the American Control Conference (ACC), Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1671 - 1677, 2019. G. Reißig and M. Rungger: Symbolic Optimal Control. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 64, No. 6, 2224 -2239, 2019. F. Goßmann and F. Svaricek: Parameter Dependent Static Output Feedback Control - An LPV Approach. Proc. of the 18th European Control Conference (ECC), Napoli, Italy, June 25-28, 2019. K. Figel, M. Schultalbers and F. Svaricek: Experimental Analysis of Driveline Shuffle with Focus on the Interaction between Traction and Torsional Vibrations. Proc. of 9th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control (AAC), 2019, Orleans, France, 23 - 27 June, 2019 (IFAC PapersOnLine 52-5 (2019) 322-328). K. Figel, M. Schultalbers and F. Svaricek: Review and experimental evaluation of models for drivability simulation with focus on tire modeling. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Ausgabe 2, 105 - 118, 2019. K. Figel, M. Schultalbers and F. Svaricek: Review and experimental evaluation of models for drivability simulation with focus on tire modeling, Short Version. Proc. of 9. VDI/VDE Fachtagung AUTOREG, Mannheim, 2-3 Juni, 2019 (VDI-Berichte 2349, 301 -320). C. Herzog, A. Heussaff and F. Svaricek: Parameter Identification for a MBS Half-Vehicle Model Using Multi-Objective Optimization. 9. VDI/VDE Fachtagung AUTOREG, Mannheim, 2-3 Juni, 2019. M. Fleps-Dezasse, F. Svaricek and J. Brembeck: Design and Experimental Assessment of an Active Fault-Tolerant LPV Vertical Dynamics Controller. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 37, No. 3, 1267 - 1274, 2019. |
Publikationen 2017
M. Runger and G. Reißig: Arbitrarily Precise Abstractions for Optimal Controller Synthesis. Proc. of the 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, December 12-15, 2017. A. Weber, M. Rungger and G. Reißig: Optimized State Space Grids for Abstractions. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 62, No. 11, 5816 - 5821, 2017. G. Reißig, A. Weber and M. Rungger: Feedback Refinement Relations for the Synthesis of Symbolic Controllers. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 62, No. 4, 1781 - 1796, 2017. M. Fleps-Dezasse, F. Svaricek and J. Brembeck: Damper Fault-Tolerant Linear Parameter-Varying Semi-Active Suspension Control. Proc. of the 20th IFAC World Congress, 8592-8599,Toulouse, France, July, 9-14, 2017. F. Goßmann, G.P. Falconi and F. Svaricek: Fault Tolerant Control Approach for Passive Handling of Actuator Degradation of a Hexacopter Using an LPV State-Feedback Controller with Partly-Measured Parameters. Proc. of the 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 467 - 572,Valetta, Malta, July 3-6, 2017. |
Publikationen 2015
M. Rungger, A. Weber and G. Reißig: State Space Grids for Low Complexity Abstractions. Proc. of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 6139-6146, Osaka, Japan, December 15-18, 2015. A. Daasch und F. Svaricek: Strukturelle Nicht-Minimalphasigkeit. VDI/GMA FA 1.40 Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik, Salzburg, 21. September 2015. A. Theilig, M. Ahmed und F. Svaricek: Passivitätsbasierte Regelung eines semi-aktiven Fahrwerks zur Verbesserung der Fahrdynamik. 7. Fachtagung "Steuerung und Regelung von Fahrzeugen und Motoren - AUTOREG 2015", Baden-Baden, Juni 2015, (VDI-Berichte 2233, 53-66). A. Weber, G. Reißig und F. Svaricek: Ein Algorithmus mit linearer Laufzeit zum Nachweis der strengen strukturellen Steuerbarkeit. 49. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium in Boppard, März 2015. |
Publikationen 2013
G. Reißig and M. Rungger: Abstraction-based solution of optimal stopping problems under uncertainty. Proc. of the 52nd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), 3190-3196, Florence, Italy, December 10-13, 2013.
A. Weber and G. Reißig: Strongly convex attainable sets and low complexity finite-state controllers. Proc. of the 2013 Australian Control Conference, 61-66, Perth, Australia, November 4-5, 2013.
C. Hartung, G. Reißig and F. Svaricek: Characterization of Sign Controllability for Linear Systems with Real Eigenvalues. Proc. of the 2013 Australian Control Conference, 450-455, Perth, Australia, November 4-5, 2013.
N. Lachhab, F. Svaricek, F. Wobbe and H. Rabba: Fractional Order PID Controller (FOPID)-Toolbox. Proc. of the 2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 3694-3699, Zurich, Switzerland, July 17-19, 2013.
C. Hartung, G. Reißig and F. Svaricek: Necessary Conditions for Structural and Strong Structural Controllability of Linear Time-Varying Systems. Proc. of the 2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 1335-1340, Zurich, Switzerland, July 17-19, 2013.
C. Hartung, G. Reißig and F. Svaricek: Sufficient Conditions for Strong Structural Controllability of Uncertain Linear Time-Varying Systems. Proc. of the 2013 American Control Conference (ACC), 5875-5880, Washington, DC, USA, June 17-19, 2013.
M. Ahmed and F. Svaricek: Preview Control of Vehicle Semi-active Suspension Using Model Predictive Control Based on Fast Fourier Trasnform. 6. Fachtagung "Steuerung und Regelung von Fahrzeugen und Motoren - AUTOREG 2013", Baden-Baden, Juni 2013, (VDI-Berichte 2196, 35-50).
A. Weber and G. Reißig: Local Characterization of Strongly Convex Sets. J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 400, no. 2, 743-750, April 2013.
B. Alt, F. Antritter, F. Svaricek and M. Schultalbers: Multivariable speed synchronisation for a parallel hybrid electric vehicle drivetrain. Vehicle System Dynamics. International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 321-337, March 2013.
M. Ahmed and F. Svaricek: Preview Control of Semi-active Suspension Based on a Half-car Model Using Fast Fourier Transform. Proceedings of the 10th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), Hammamet, Tunisia, March 18-21, 2013.
M. Ahmed and F. Svaricek: Adaptive Robust Gain Scheduled Control of Vehicle Semi-active Suspension for Improved Ride Comfort and Road Handling. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Vicenza, Italy, February 27 - March 1, 376-381, 2013.
F. Svaricek: Zur numerischen Berechnung der Nullstellen von Zustandsraummodellen mit Matlab. 47. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium in Boppard, Februar 2013.
T. Füger, N. Lachhab and F. Svaricek: Parameter Reduction for Disturbance Attenuation with a Discrete-Time LPV Controller. Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control, Part of 2013 IFAC Joint Conference SSSC, FDA, TDS, Grenoble, France, February 4-6, 786-791, 2013.
Publikationen 2011
H. Ding, G. Reißig und O. Stursberg: Increasing Efficiency of Optimization-Based Path Planning for Robotic Manipulators. Proc. of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, 1399-1404, Orlandao, Florida, December 2011.
J.C. Jarczyk, F. Svaricek and B. Alt: Strong Structural Controllability of Linear Systems Revisited. Proc. of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, 1213-1218, Orlandao, Florida, December 2011.
G. Reißig: Computing Abstractions of Nonlinear Systems. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 56, No.11, 2583-2598, 2011.
B. Alt , F. Antritter, F. Svaricek, F. Wobbe, T. Böhme und M. Schultalbers: Zwei-Freiheitsgrad Struktur zur Dämpfung von Ruckelschwingungen im Antriebsstrang eines Kraftfahrzeugs. 5. Fachtagung "Steuerung und Regelung von Fahrzeugen und Motoren - AUTOREG 2011", Baden-Baden, November 2011, .
B. Alt und F. Svaricek: Robust Control Design for Automotive Applications: A Variable Structure Control Approach. In: Challenges and Paradigms in Applied Robust Control, ed. by A. Bartoszewicz, InTech, 73-92, November 2011.
V. Härtel, F. Svaricek, J. Gogolin und H. Degenbeck: Schneller Vulkanisieren durch ACC. Gummi, Fasern, Kunststoffe, 64(5), 272-275 und Österreichische Kunststoff Zeitschrift, 42(1/2), 28-31, 2011.
C. Hartung und F. Svaricek: Zur Diskussion der Beobachtbarkeit nichtlinearer Systeme am Beispiel des Zwei- bzw. Drei-Tank-Systems. VDI/GMA FA 1.40 Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik, Salzburg, 19. September 2011.
B. Alt, C. Hartung und F. Svaricek: Robust Fuzzy Cascade Control Revised: Application to the Rotary Inverted Pendulum. Proc. of the 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 1472-1477, Corfu, Greece, June 20-23, 2011.
F. Svaricek, J. Jarczyk und B Alt: Strukturelle und streng strukturelle Steuerbarkeit: Übersicht und neue Ergebnisse. Automatisierungstechnik (www.at-automatisierungtechnik.de), at 59, 329-339, 2011.
B. Alt, F. Antritter, F. Svaricek und M. Schultalbers: Feedforward based anti jerk control for driveline oscillations of passenger vehicles. 8. Symposium Steuerungssysteme für den Antriebsstrang von Kraftfahrtzeugen, Berlin 27. Mai 2011.
C. Hartung, M. Siegert und F. Svaricek: Schätzung der Masse eines Kraftfahrzeugs während des Ausrollens. 5. ASIM Workshop Wismar - Modellierung, Regelung und Simulation in Automotive und Prozessautomation, Wismar, Mai 2011.
Veröffentlichungen des ehemaligen Instituts für Flugmechanik und Systemdynamik
Eine Liste der Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Systemdynamik und Flugmechanik bis zum Jahr 2001 finden sie hier.
Forschungsberichte 2013 - 2017
Steffen Siegl | |||
Networked Control Systems: Ein Überblick, July 2017. Übersicht: Dieser Bericht soll eine Übersicht über das breite Forschungsgebiet der Networked Control Systems bieten. Im ersten Abschnitt wird eine Einführung in die Geschichte dieser Regelungssysteme gegeben. Es wird ferner das Spannungsfeld "artfremde" digitale Netzwerke und Regelung behandelt. Des Weiteren werden Beispiele fur Networked Control Systems benannt. Der nächste Abschnitt liefert eine Einteilung dieses Forschungsgebiets. Es wird zwischen der Regelung von Netzwerken, der Regelung über Netzwerke und der Regelung vernetzter Systeme unterschieden. Im dann folgenden Teil werden die wichtigsten phanomenologischen und modellbasierten regelungstechnischen Ansätze zur Modellbildung, Analyse und dem Entwurf von Networked Control Systems vorgestellt. |
Andreas Daasch | |||
Zero Dynamics of Linear Square Systems, March 2016. Abstract: This report summarizes the formal relation between invariant zeros of linear MIMO systems and their zero dynamics. Various publications consider this topic as marginal note, but to the author's knowledge there is no article addressing this subject in a compact way. Transmission zeros of SISO systems and their relation to zero dynamics were described in [4]. The case of transmission zeros of MIMO systems can be found in [3]. In order to resolve the relation between invariant zeros and zero dynamics of square linear systems also the decoupling zeros have to be considered. This report addresses this issue. |
Ferdinand Svaricek | |||
On the Computation of State Space Zeros of Linear Systems with Matlab, October 2013. Abstract: In this report the topic "Computation of Zeros of Linear Systems" is revisited. The report is motivated by the fact, that problems with the computation of zeros of MIMO state space systems by using MATLAB were discovered. Besides a brief overview of the different denitions of state space zeros the detected problems will be discussed in detail and solution notes are given. |