Lando Kirchmair studied law, business law, Spanish and Portuguese as well as psychology at the universities of Innsbruck, Salamanca and Salzburg, holding Magister iuris (2009) and Magister iuris rerum oeconomicarum (2010) degrees from the University of Innsbruck and a Doctor iuris (with distinction; „Die Theorie des Rechtserzeugerkreises“, Duncker & Humblot 2013) from the University of Salzburg (2012). He was a research and teaching fellow at the Department of Public Law, Public International Law and EU law at the University of Salzburg (2010-2013) and served, within the framework of the Austrian Holocaust Memorial Service (as an alternative to military service) as legal advisor to the European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion and as co-secretary to the Monitoring Committee of the European Charter of Local Self-Government at the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg from December 2012 to June 2013. Afterwards he spent another six months as an exile researcher and museum guide at the Casa Stefan Zweig in Rio de Janeiro. This was followed by a research stay at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg in May 2014 and a post-doc research and teaching fellowship position at the Institute for Legal Studies at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the National University of Public Services in Budapest in 2014/2015. Lando Kirchmair then worked as a Law Clerk at the Labour and Social Court in Vienna and the Vienna District Court Fünfhaus, Criminal Law Division (2015-2016), as a lecturer and researcher at the Institute for Public Law and Public International Law at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich from April 2016 onwards and as Universitätsassitent (PostDoc) at the Institute for Public Law, Public International Law and European Union Law at the University of Salzburg from October 2017 to February 2020. In June 2020, he completed his habilitation thesis and received the venia legendi (Doctor habilitatus; “Conflicts with EU Law”) for Public Law, European Union Law, Public International Law and Legal Philosophy from the Department of Social Sciences and Public Affairs at University of the Bundeswehr Munich. Since April 2020 he is Deputy Professor for National and International Public Law with a Focus on the Protection of Cultural Heritage at the Department of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, University of the Bundeswehr Munich. Since June 2019 he is also Co-Principal Investigator for the European Constitutional Court Network Project funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the Law Faculty, University of Salzburg. In July 2020 he became a member of the Arab German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities based at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW).
Research focus
- Relationship of legal systems
- Sources of law
- Cultural heritage
- International, European, and national public law
- Legal theory and philosophy of law
- Interdisciplinary aspects of law
Research Projects (Selection)
Rechtliche Regulierung von moralischen Notfällen verursacht durch automatisierte und autonome Fahrzeuge: Virtual Reality-Studien zur Untersuchung unparteilicher Entscheidungen (EMERGENCY-VRD)
For further informationen, please see here.
Current Publications (Selection)
Rethinking the Relationship Between International, EU and National Law: Consent-Based Monism (überarbeitete Habilitationsschrift; Cambridge University Press, ASIL Studies in International Legal Theory 2024).
Access to Waxes – The Arab Collections of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv: Digitization and Online-Publication, special issue The World of Music (New Series) (gemeinsam mit Nadia Bahra, Matthias Pasdzierny und Albrecht Wiedmann) Vol I veröffentlcht (Vol II iE) [peer review; open access].
‘Introduction’, in: Nadia Bahra/Lando Kirchmair/Matthias Pasdzierny/Albrecht Wiedmann (Hrsg.), Access to Waxes – The Arab Collections of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv: Digitization and Online-Publication, special issue The World of Music (New Series) (2024) (gemeinsam mit Nadia Bahra/Matthias Pasdzierny/Albrecht Wiedmann) [peer review; open access].
‘Taking Ethics Seriously in AV Trajectory Planning Algorithms’, Nature Machine Intelligence 5 (August 2023), S. 814–815 [open access] (gemeinsam mit Norbert Paulo).
‘How to Regulate Moral Dilemmas Involving Self-Driving Cars: On the German Act on Autonomous Driving 2021, the Trolley Problem and the Search for a Role Model’, German Law Journal 24 (7) (2023), S. 1184–1208 [peer review; open access].
‘Information Interventions in the 21st Century: Fighting Disinformation Across National Boundaries with International Information Campaigns’, Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2022 (2023), S. 133–142.
‘Das Klimaschutzprinzip im BVG Nachhaltigkeit: Ein schlafender Riese. Zur Verfassungswidrigkeit klimaschädlicher Gesetze in Österreich’, Journal für Rechtspolitik 31 (2023), S. 74–92 (gemeinsam mit Sebastian Krempelmeier).
'Cultural Heritage and the International Court of Justice: Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Armenia v. Azerbaijan), Provisional Measures, Order of 7 December 2021', International Journal of Cultural Property 29 (4) (2022), pp. 563–575. [open access; peer review].
'Two Ways of Completing the European Fundamental Rights Union. Amendment to vs. Reinterpretation of Article 51 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights', Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies (2022) [open access; peer review] (gemeinsam mit András Jakab).
'Enforcing Constitutional Sustainability Clauses in the Age of Climate Crisis: Insights from Social Contract Theory on How to Handle Future Generations', Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law (2022) [open access; peer review].
'Autonomous Vehicles: Crashes', in M.N.S. Sellers/Stephan Kirste (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (online available).
'Autonomous Vehicles', in M.N.S. Sellers/Stephan Kirste (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (online available).
'Cultural Heritage', Christina Binder/Manfred Nowak/Jane A Hofbauer/Philipp Janig (Hrsg.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights (online available).
'Good Governance', Christina Binder/Manfred Nowak/Jane A Hofbauer/Philipp Janig (Hrsg.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights (online available).
'Digitalisieren und zugänglich machen! Rechtliche und kulturethische Aspekte im Umgang mit historischen Klangaufnahmen des Berliner Phonogramm-Archivs’, Leviathan 50 (3) (2022), pp. 445 – 468 [open access; peer review].
'The EU and its hybrid regimes are poisoning each other. When it comes to democracy and the rule of law, we can't see the forest for the trees',, 23.8.2022
‘Moving the International Court of Justice from Bilateralism to Serving the Community Interest – A Proposal to Refrain from Being a “National Judge”’, The Austrian Review of International and European Law 25 (2020) [veröffentlicht im Juli 2022], pp. 65–107 [open access; peer review].
‘The Restriction of Refugee Rights during the ÖVP-FPÖ Coalition 2017-2019 in Austria: Consequences, Legacy and Potential for Future Resilience against Populism’, in Stijn Smet/Vladislava Stoyanova (Hrsg.), Migrants’ Rights, Populism and Legal Resilience in Europe (Cambridge University Press 2022) pp. 280–300 (together with Margit Ammer) [open access].
Lando Kirchmair ea (Hrsg.), Shaping the Future of Europe (Jan Sramek 2022).
‘How to Develop the EU Justice Scoreboard into a Rule of Law Index: Using an Existing Tool in the EU Rule of Law Crisis in a More Efficient Way’, German Law Journal 22 (6) (2021), pp. 936–955 (together with András Jakab) [open access; peer review].
‘A 100 Years Institutionalized Cultural Heritage Protection. From the Institutionalized International Coopération Intellectuelle to the Human Right to Cultural Heritage’, Brazilian Journal of International Law – special issue Art Law and Cultural Heritage Law 17 (3) (2021), pp. 95–108 [open access; peer review].
‘What Gustav Radbruch Teaches Us about (Authoritarian) Populism: Lies by Officials Should Not Be Referred to as Populism Because They Are a Genuine Threat to the Democratic Legal Culture’, in Stephan Kirste/Norbert Paulo (Hrsg.), Populism, Democracy and the Rule of Law (ARSP-Beiheft 2021), pp. 81–112.
‘Shifting the Focus from an International Towards a more Regional Cultural Heritage Protection in the Middle East and North Africa’, Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 53 (3) (2020), pp. 267–285 [peer review; open access].
‘How to Quantify a Proportionate Financial Punishment in the New EU Rule of Law Mechanism?’,, 22.12.2020 (together with András Jakab).
'Objections to Coercive Neurocorrectives for Criminal Offenders –Why Offenders’ Human Rights Should Fundamentally Come First', 38 Criminal Justice Ethics (2019)), pp. 19–40 [peer review; open access].
'Descriptive vs. prescriptive global legal pluralism: a gentle reminder of David Hume’s is–ought divide', The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 51 (1) (2019), pp. 48–71 [peer review; open access].
'Fight Fire with Fire – a Plea for EU Information Campaigns in Hungarian and Polish',, 17.03.2019.
'What came first: The obligation or the blief? A renaissance of consensus theory to make the normative foundations of customary international law more tangible', German Yearbook of International Law 59 (2017), pp. 289–319 [peer review; SSRN]
'Morality Between Nativism and Behaviorism: (Innate) Intersubjectivity as a Response to John Mikhail's "Universal Moral Grammar"', Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 37 (4) (2017), pp. 230–260 [peer review; advanced online Version / SSRN].