Professor Dr. rer. nat. habil. Annette Schmidt studied Biology at the University of Cologne. In 2003 she earned her doctoral degree in natural sciences, for which she received a scholarship, at the Institute of Anatomy at the University Hospital Cologne. Subsequently, she defected to the German Sport University Cologne. There, her research focused on the importance of adult stem cells in sports biological and sports medical processes, and she was awarded the Venia Legendi for “Sportwissenschaften unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stammzellbiologie und zellulären Sportmedizin" (Sports Sciences with Special Reference to Stem Cell Biology and Cellular Sports Medicine) in 2009. During her industrial work, she gained experience in personalized medicine as well as in quality management and market access for medical devices.
Researching in sports science, Professor Schmidt now focuses on the biological and medical basics of fitness, nutrition and health. A particular interest of hers is the sport CrossFit and the training concepts based on it, which can be tailored in their scalability to a wide range of different target groups, reaching from elite units to chronically ill persons.
Professor Annette Schmidt has supervised more than 150 theses and published more than 90 peer-reviewed articles in a number of renowned scientific journals. She presented her own research work in more than 240 congress contributions worldwide. With an RG score of over 40 and an h-factor of 27, she is among the top 3% of all scientists listed in ResearchGate.
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