CCEW Symposium 2023

2 November 2023

The third annual CCEW Symposium successfully bridged the gap between academia and policy-makers, showcasing cutting-edge research and innovative ideas in crisis prediction methodologies.

Notably, the symposium underscored the transformative potential of leveraging novel data sources, such as social media images, geospatial satellites, and text data, along with diverse modeling approaches. Discussions extended beyond the traditional conflict prediction task of fatalities to encompass complex phenomena like internet shutdowns, violence against civilians, protests, and geopolitical events.

Despite acknowledged challenges, including unbalanced datasets, insufficient data points in remote areas, or a lack of standardized crisis definitions, our policy panel “From Data to Action: Broadening the Crisis Assessment” highlighted achievements in humanitarian anticipatory action. Our second policy panel on outer space in crisis early warning demonstrated the efficacy of collaborative knowledge-sharing mechanisms in space policy at the European level.

As we look ahead to the next phase of the Center for Crisis Early Warning, we eagerly anticipate continued collaboration and the exploration of new horizons in crisis prediction.

picture source: © Pressestelle UniBw M / Christian Siebold