Oberst d.R. Witthauer (Vizepräsident und CTO ZITiS) beeindruckte die Studierenden von HR-Dozentin Bendixen-Danowski (links). Die Begrüßung erfolgte durch Vizepräsidentin Prof. Dr. Kraus (rechts).

Professor for Corporate and Personal Management, Vice President for Entrepreneurship and the University of Applied Sciences, Counselor for Equal Opportunities
Prof. Dr. Kraus teaches Corporate and Personal Management in the Management and Media program (B.A./M.A.). She offers courses on Human Resource Management, Leadership, Organizational Psychology, Change Management, Psychology of the Internet, Leadership Research, Project Management and Qualitative Social Research. In addition to Management and Media, she teaches in the B.A. Aeronautical Engineering (B.A.), Industrial Engineering (B.Eng.), and Human Resource Development (M.A.) programs. In applied research and development, Prof. Dr. Kraus is currently working - partly in cooperation with practice partners - on the following topics: Measurement of Leadership, Digital Transformation in the Automotive Industry and in HRM, Digital Leadership, Employer Branding/Employee Experience, Evaluation of Corporate Culture, Competence Management in the German Armed Forces, and Career Development for Female Officers.
Prof. Dr. Kraus established the entrepreneurship programme founders@unibw at the Bundeswehr University Munich, which offers all (potential) founders* an activating and lively environment for the transfer of business ideas and research results into the economy and anchors the Bundeswehr University Munich even more firmly in the region. Prof. Dr. Kraus's agenda for the further development of the University of Applied Sciences includes not only the development of new study programmes such as Human Resources Management and Social Work, but also internal and external networking and the development of flexible organisational forms. Other important concerns for her are strengthening the visibility and external impact of the university, e.g. making it an attractive employer, and increasing the satisfaction and performance of our employees, e.g. through diversity management.
Here you find the publications of Prof. Dr. Rafaela Kraus on our research database AtheneForschung:
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