Wie KI den Journalismus prägen kann und welche Hürden dabei zu meistern sind – das erfuhren die Studierenden des Jahrgangs MM22 zusammen mit Dozentin Carolin Bergmann und Medieningenieur Benjamin …

Professor for Editorial Practice
The appointment of the long-time news reporter and journalist with a doctorate completes the realignment of the Institute of Journalism. In her teaching, Irene Preisinger combines theoretical principles of journalism with practical tools. In her academic work, she deals with different framework conditions for media and with international comparative journalism research.
Irene Preisinger studied journalism, politics and part-time business administration. She gained extensive practical experience in editorial offices in Germany, France and Spain. After completing her doctorate in the field of journalism research, she reported for a long time on political and economic topics for international news agencies. Most recently, she worked for many years in the business editorial department of Reuters, which was named Germany's best business editorial department in 2016.
Here you find the publications of Prof. Dr. Irene Preisinger on our research database AtheneForschung:
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