
The increasing number of smart devices installed in our homes poses privacy risks for inhabitants and visitors. However, individuals who do not own these devices face difficulties counteracting privacy intrusions due to missing controls, incorrect mental models, and limitations in their level of expertise. We present PriKey, a concept for device-independent and easy-to-use tangible smart home privacy mechanisms that equalize power imbalances between inhabitants and visitors. PriKey is the key to privacy protection: it supports users in taking control of their privacy through meaningful, tangible interactions.



Sarah Delgado Rodriguez, Sarah Prange, Christina Vergara Ossenberg, Markus Henkel, Florian Alt and Karola Marky. PriKey – Investigating Tangible Privacy Control for Smart Home Inhabitants and Visitors . In Proceedings of the 12th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction:. NordiCHI '22. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. [Download Bibtex]
Maxi_prikey_thumb.PNG Sarah Delgado Rodriguez, Sarah Prange, Pascal Knierim, Karola Marky and Florian Alt. PriKey – Experiencing Tangible Privacy Control for Smart Homes with
Demo at MUM '22.  [Download Bibtex]


Sarah Delgado Rodriguez