Become a SENS member

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the SENS Research Center. This page includes the most important information on membership as well as how to apply. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Full membership

If you are a professor or junior professor, are working towards or have completed your habilitation, or are a research associate with a doctoral degree, and your work here at UniBw M focuses on issues studied at the SENS Research Center and you would like to support its research and training objectives, you may become a full member of SENS.

Associate membership

If you conduct research at another university/research institution or are an industry expert, your work focuses on issues studied at the SENS Research Center and you would like to support its research and training objectives, you may become an associate member of SENS.

Rights and obligations of members

Members are entitled to publish their work in the name of the SENS Research Center. Members are integrated into the SENS Research Center network, which serves as a platform for cooperation, knowledge exchange, joint research, training and more.

Members are obliged to actively contribute to the work of the SENS Research Center according to their qualification, role and responsibility. This particularly includes sharing their scientific achievements, providing mutual guidance, advice and support, cooperating with other members and contributing to the annual activity report.

Applying for membership

If you would like to become a member, please submit an informal request to the spokespersons of the SENS Research Center. Email this request to The board will decide on admission.

