Journal articles

A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Airport Departure Metering Under Spatial–Temporal Airside Interactions
H Ali , DT Pham , S Alam , M Schultz. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, 1-18.

Towards a greener Extended-Arrival Manager in air traffic control: A heuristic approach for dynamic speed control using machine-learned delay prediction model
Lim Zhi Jun, Sameer Alam, Imen Dhief, Michael Schultz (2022). Journal of Air Transport Management 103, 102250

Multipath-Assisted Radio Sensing and State Detection for the Connected Aircraft Cabin
J Ninnemann, P Schwarzbach, M Schultz, O Michler. Sensors 22 (8), 2859

Long Range Air Traffic Flow Management with Flight-Specific Flight Performance
J Rosenow, E Asadi, D Lubig, M Schultz, H Fricke. Future Transportation 2 (2), 310-327

Data-driven airport management enabled by operational milestones derived from ADS-B messages
M Schultz, J Rosenow, X Olive. Journal of Air Transport Management 99, 102164

Modeling Aircraft Departure at a Runway Using a Time-Varying Fluid Queue
E Itoh, M Mitici, M Schultz. Aerospace 9 (3), 119

Stochastic Delay Cost Functions to Estimate Delay Propagation Under Uncertainty
J Evler, M Schultz, H Fricke, A Cook. IEEE Access 10, 21424-21442

An Adaptive Framework for Optimization and Prediction of Air Traffic Management (Sub-) Systems with Machine Learning
S Reitmann, M Schultz. Aerospace 9 (2), 77

Integration of turnaround and aircraft recovery to mitigate delay propagation in airline networks
J Evler, M Lindner, H Fricke, M Schultz. Computers & Operations Research 138, 105602


Conference contributions

Towards Automated Apron Operations - Training of Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation using Synthetic LiDAR Sensors
M Schultz, S Reitmann, B Jung, S Alam. Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)

Synthetic Training of Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Clouds
M Schultz, S Reitmann, B Jung, S Alam. International Workshop on ATM/CNS (IWAC)

Agent-based modeling to support collaborative decision making in predictable airport ground operations
M Luo, H Fricke, M Schultz, B. Desart, S.R. Zapata. SESAR Innovation Days 2022

Traffic Forecasts and their Influence on the Environment
T Standfuss, I Galarraga, I Ruiz de Gauna, M Whittome, M Schultz. Aviation and Tourism-Post Pandemic Recovery: Challenges & Solutions 2023

Pandemiegerechte Passagierprozesse in der Flugzeugkabine
M Schultz, M Soolaki, J Fuchte, O Michler, P Schwarzbach. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress (DLRK)

Informationstechnisches Potential Integrierter Kommunikationssysteme zur Zustandserkennung im Kontext der vernetzten Flugzeugkabine
P Schwarzbach, J Ninnemann, O Michler, M Schultz. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress (DLRK)

Developing a departure queue model for integrated arrival and departure operations of runways
Eri Itoh, Daiki Iwata, Michael Schultz. International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS)

Reduced transmission risks for passenger operations during COVID-19 pandemic
Michael Schultz, Majid Soolaki, Oliver Michler, Eri Itoh. International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS)

Estimating Aircraft Departure Queue at a Runway Applying the Time-Varying Fluid Queue Model
D Iwata, E Itoh, M Schultz. ATRS World Conference

Data-driven fusion of turnaround sub-processes to predict aircraft ground time
M Luo, M Schultz, H Fricke, B Desart. ATRS World Conference

Integrated Airside Landside Framework To Assess Passenger Missed Connections with Airport Departure Metering
H Ali, DT Pham, S Alam, M Schultz. International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT)

How to benchmark Air Navigation Service Providers?
T Standfuß, G Hirte, M Schultz. International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA) Conference


Invited talks, presentations

Passenger Cabin Operations
M Schultz. SIA-NUS Digital Aviation Corporate Laboratory, National University of  Singapore

Dynamic airspace sectorization and mobile sectors
M Schultz. Guest Lecture ATMRI, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Passenger management considering COVID constraints
M Schultz. International Workshop on The Latest Research Trends in Air Traffic Management and Surveillance Technology Supporting Airport Operations