Journal articles
Optimal Schedule Recovery for the Aircraft Gate Assignment with Constrained Resources
E Asadi, M Schultz, H Fricke (2021). Computers and Industrial Engineering 162, 107682
The impact of automation on air traffic controller’s behaviors
Y Wang, R Hu, S Lin, M Schultz, D Delahaye (2021). Aerospace 8(9), 260
Implementation of a Long-Range Air Traffic Flow Management for the Asia-Pacific Region
M Schultz, D Lubig, E Asadi, J Rosenow, E Itoh, S Athota, V Duong (2021). IEEE Access 9, 124640-124659
Predictive classification and understanding of weather impact on airport performance through machine learning
M Schultz, S Reitmann, S Alam (2021). Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 131, 103119
Optimized aircraft disembarkation considering COVID-19 regulations
M Schultz, M Soolaki (2021). Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 1-21
Probabilistic Prediction of Separation Buffer to Compensate for the Closing Effect on Final Approach
S Förster, M Schultz, H Fricke (2021). Aerospace 8 (2), 29
Analytical approach to solve the problem of aircraft passenger boarding during the coronavirus pandemic
M Schultz, M Soolaki (2021). Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 102931
Conference contributions
Modeling the European air transportation network considering inter-airport coordination
D Lubig, M Schultz, J Evler, H Fricke, F Herrema, RB Montes, B Desart (2021). 11th SESAR Innovation Days
The Rise of the Smart Passenger I: Analysis of impact on Departing Passenger Flow in Airports
MM Mota, P Scala, M Schultz, D Lubig, M Luo, EJ Perez (2021). 11th SESAR Innovation Days
Propagation of Airport Capacity Improvements to the Air Transport Network
D Lubig, M Schultz, H Fricke, F Herrema, RB Montes, B Desart (2021). IEEE/AIAA 40th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-10
Agent-based simulation for aircraft stand operations to predict ground time using machine learning
M Luo, M Schultz, H Fricke, B Desart, F Herrema, RB Montes (2021). IEEE/AIAA 40th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-8
Air taxi flight performance modeling and application
R Brühl, H Fricke, M Schultz (2021). USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar
COVID-19: Passenger Boarding and Disembarkation
M Schultz, M Soolaki, E Bakhshian, M Salari, J Fuchte (2021). USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar
Flight Prioritization and Turnaround Recovery
J Evler, M Schultz, H Fricke (2021). USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar
COVID-19-related challenges for new normality in airport terminal operations
M Schultz, M Luo, D Lubig, MM Mota, P Scala (2021). Winter Simulation Conference