Contributions at the AOM Conference
5 July 2022
The chair is represented with three current research contributions at this year's Academy of Management (AOM) conference in Seattle, which are in the intersection of our Chair’s core research areas, "Diversity & Inclusion" and "Engagement & Well-being".
Two contributions by Hendrik Hüttermann with colleagues from Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the USA focus on the effects of change in organizations. The study "A Multilevel Model of Organizational Change Breadth and Employee Change Involvement" examines the effects of multiple parallel transformation projects implemented in 97 German companies with more than 12,000 respondents. A multi-level analysis shows that such a "broad change" is negatively associated with employees’ individual well-being and consequently has a detrimental impact on the company's financial performance. Organizations can neutralize this negative dynamic by involving employees both individually and collectively in shaping the transformation processes. The article "Consequences of Change Championing (A)Symmetry on Group- and Individual-Level Change Outcomes" analyzes the effects of differences between team members concerning their support for change projects. A multi-level analysis shows that such a "change championing asymmetry" has negative effects on the team and individual level and discusses corresponding managerial strategies.
Sabine Richter-Trummer is represented with her contribution "A GATE-d Perspective on Age in Entrepreneurship - Heterogeneous Types of Older Entrepreneurs,” coauthored with Sonja Sackmann. As part of an integrative review, the article summarizes the current research on the connection between age and entrepreneurship. Moreover, the paper takes a differentiated perspective on age by considering not only the importance of chronological age for entrepreneurship but also the role of the entrepreneurial generation, as well as previous experience with self-employment and relevant industrial experience.
The three contributions are available to interested readers upon request.