In addition to the voting members of the Governance Committee and the Head of the Student Division (in an advisory function), the Extended University Governance comprises the Deans of the Departments and the Commissioners for Gender Equality, the Spokesperson for the Research Associates and the Chair of the Student Advisory Council. The President is Chair of the Extended University Governance and convenes the meetings. The Extended University Governance advises and supports the Governance Committee in accomplishing its tasks. It draws up the Development Plan, makes decisions on policy issues submitted by the Governance Committee and elects the members of the University Council.


Members of the Extended University Governance are the members of the Governance Committee as well as the Deans of the Departments of the University of the Bundeswehr Munich:

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schäffler
Dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Braml
Dean of the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Mack
Dean of the Department of Human Sciences

Prof. Dr. Oliver Rose
Dean of the Department of Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Matthias Gerdts
Dean of the Department of Aerospace Engineering

Prof. Dr. Marc Frey
Dean of the Department of Social Sciences and Public Affairs

Prof. Dr. Claudius Steinhardt
Dean of the Department of Economics and Management

Prof. Dr. Carsten Rennhak
Dean of the Department of Business Administration

Prof. Dr. Harald Görl
Dean of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Engstler
Dean of the Department of Mechanical Engineering


Further voting members of the Extended University Governance are:

AkadDir'in Pamela Koch
Civilian Commissioner for Gender Equality

Captain Kathrin Faehndrich
Military Commissioner for Gender Equality

Captain Frederik Gügel
Spokesperson for the Research Associates

Officer Candidate Moritz Werner
Chair of the Student Advisory Council