Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Kfm. Matthias Korb

has been Professor of Secure Digital Circuits at the department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology since July 2020.

Prof. Korb graduated in electrical engineering and information technology from RWTH Aachen University with honors in 2006. He was awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Award for his doctoral thesis on “Deep submicron full-custom VLSI design of highly optimized high throughput low latency LDPC decoders” in 2013. Prof. Korb also graduated in business economics from the FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany in 2012.

From 2012 to 2016 Prof. Korb was a member of the “Office of the CTO”, the centralized department for research and development within Broadcom Corporation in Irvine, California, USA. During this time Prof. Korb made significant contributions to the optimization and further development of WiFi communication systems on standardization and implementation level. In 2016 Prof. Korb joined the Integrated Systems Laboratory of the ETH Zurich, Switzerland and Advanced Circuit Pursuit AG where he focused on the design of System-on-Chip modems for the Internet of Things. Prof. Korb and his team designed one of the worldwide first Internet-of-Things-centric cellular modems, which supports both extended-coverage standards EC-GSM and NB-IoT.

Prof. Korb is the author of numerous publications and is co-inventor of multiple US patents in the field of digital communication. He was awarded the IEEE Senior Membership in 2018.

At the University of the Bundeswehr Munich Prof. Korb is continuing his research on system- and circuit-level implementations of communication systems dedicated to the Internet of Things with one focus being laid on security. Prof. Korb will extend the curriculum for students in the field of electrical engineering and information technology by offering new courses on digital VLSI design using the latest design flows such as high-level synthesis.


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