Harald Baier teaches and researches in the field of digital forensics. His research foci are the handling of large amounts of data in IT forensic investigations, the generation of synthetic data sets for the evaluation of IT forensic tools, anti-forensics, and main memory forensics.
Prof. Baier received his doctorate from the TU Darmstadt with a thesis on the efficient generation of cryptographically strong elliptic curves in 2002. He was part of a security project at Deutsche Bank AG and built up the Darmstadt Centre for IT Security. After having held a professorship at Bingen Technical University of Applied Sciences (September 2004 to March 2009) Harald Baier taught and researched at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) from April 2009 to August 2020. There he managed numerous third-party funded projects and was involved in the establishment of today's National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity ATHENE, on whose board he represented the h_da. From November 2018 to August 2020, he was Dean of the Department of Computer Science at h_da.
Harald Baier supports the scientific cybersecurity community with publications in international journals, at international conferences as well as by acting as a reviewer for these platforms. For the IT security association CAST, he prepares and co-moderates the annual workshop on 'Internet Crime and Forensics' in December on a voluntary basis.
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