Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Lenkeit

became Professor of Wireless Communications at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in February 2021.

Having completed his studies in electrical engineering and information technology with a specialization in communications technology at the University of Bremen in 2010, Mr. Lenkeit worked as a research assistant at the Department of Communications Engineering at the same university. There, he conducted research in the context of cooperative communications and iterative detection and decoding methods for the fifth generation of mobile communications 5G and earned his doctorate. As part of his research activities, he worked on several German and European research projects and completed a research stay of several months at the Department of Electronic Systems at Aalborg University in Aalborg, Denmark.

After receiving his PhD in 2016, Prof. Lenkeit worked as a systems engineer of communications technology at OHB System AG, where he was mainly involved in the pre-development of robust transmission schemes for high-rate airborne radio networks as well as for satellite communications. In addition, he was a lecturer for communication technology at Bremen University of Applied Sciences.

As Professor for Wireless Communications at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Prof. Lenkeit supports the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the areas of wireless communications, satellite communications and communications technology.


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