We will present our work on Do-it-yourself drones in Karlstad (Sweden) at the NordSec 2024.
We will present our work on Do-it-yourself drones in Karlstad (Sweden) at the NordSec 2024.
We will present our work on "Scalable Image Clustering to screen for self-produced CSAM" in Bratislava at the AICSEC 2023.
We will present our work on WhatsApp Stickers in Oslo at the NordSec 2023.
Our team won 1st place at the Digital Forensics Rodeo at DFRWS EU 2023.
Our paper Combining AI and AM - Improving Approximate Matching through Transformer Networks was accepted at the DFRWS USA 2023.
We will present our drone forensics research in cooperation with ZITiS at the CODE Jahrestagung.
The professorship of DigFor is proud to host the 12th International Conference on IT Security Incident Management & IT Forensics at UniBw M. We also have two papers that have been accepted!
Lorenz Liebler successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled “Towards Carving-Based Post-Mortem Memory Forensics and the Applicability of Approximate Matching” on December 7th 2021.
Two of our papers were accepted at the Eighteenth Annual IFIP WG 11.9 2022 International Conference on Digital Forensics.
Our paper ForTrace - A Holistic Forensic Data Set Synthesis Framework was accepted at the DFRWS EU 2022.
Two papers accepted and presented at ICDF2C 2021.
Am FI CODE wird derzeit in den Bereichen IT-Sicherheit, Quantentechnologien und Smart Data geforscht – wir geben Einblicke. Heute: Prof. Dr. Harald Baier über sein Forschungsgebiet Digitale Forensik.
Our paper FRASHER - A framework for automated evaluation of similarity hashing was accepted at the DFRWS USA 2022.
Our team won 1st place at the Digital Forensics Rodeo at DFRWS USA 2022
Our paper on "Usable and Assessable Generation of Forensic Data Sets Containing Anti-Forensic Traces at the Filesystem Level" was accepted for presentation at the IFIP WG 11.9 ICDF 2024.
Our two papers on "Hypervisor-based Data Synthesis: On its Potential to Tackle the Curse of Client-side Agent Remnants in Forensic Image Generation" and "Ubi est indicium? On Forensic Analysis of the UBI File System" were accepted for presentation at the DFRWS EU 2024.
We will present our research on the ForTrace data synthesis framework for digital forensics at the DFRWS EU 2024.