Beyond the Ivory-Tower: EISA-Online-Event with Eva Herschinger

17 January 2025

Register Now! Online-Roundtable with Eva Herschinger on the Purpose of IR-scholarship in a World of Crisis on January, 27


The wars in Europe and the Middle East, the accelerating climate change and the deepening global inequality and various other political, economic, environmental and social challenges have left their mark on the discipline of International Relations (IR). How can/should/must the discipline respond to these developments?

The online roundtable of the European and International Studies Association (EISA) will address this question on January 27 at 17:30 (CET). Eva Herschinger will join Nicholas Michelsen (King's College London), Joana Ricarte (University of Coimbra) and Vassilios Paipas (University of St. Andrews) to discuss the meaning and purpose of the discipline of International Relations (IR) at the turn of the century. The event will be chaired by Matti Spara (King's College London).

The aim of EISA's online roundtable is to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing IB theorists today and to initiate a discussion about their own role in promoting a more constructive global future. The roundtable will explore not only the history and sociology of “public IB theorists”, but also the translation issues that can arise when academic knowledge meets public discourse, and how the purpose of the IB can be reconceptualized to go beyond the confines of ivory towers and protest marches.

Join the discussion! More info on the event and how to register can be found here:


