Welcome Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala!
29 Januar 2024
Change of leadership at the top of the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies: Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala took over as Director of CISS from Prof. Dr. Uwe Borghoff on January 1, 2024.
Carlo Masala has been associated with the CISS since its foundation - he was Associate Director of Early Crisis Detection, Head of the Competence Center for Early Crisis Detection (KompZ KFE), and later also Director of Studies at the MISS, together with Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Dietrich from the Federal University of Applied Sciences, Berlin. Masala knows CISS inside out and will now be supported by CISS Managing Director Dipl.-Ing. Oberstleutnant i.G. Holger Prüßing.
Carlo Masala succeeds former Director Prof. Dr. Uwe Borghoff, who has led the center since its foundation in 2017 and played a key role in shaping the research institute.
As the CISS has grown, the structure of the institute has also changed with Carlo Masala's start as Director: From now on, there are research areas within which the scientific work is organized. Find out more here.
Picture: @christophbusse.de