Presidential visit for the MISS!
2 Dezember 2021
A meeting with the President of the German Federal University of Public Administration (HS Bund) Dr. Benjamin Limbach, discussions with the course directors Prof. Uwe Borghoff (Vice President of the Universität der Bundeswehr München) and Prof. Jan-Hendrik Dietrich (HS Bund) about the current developments of the "Master in Intelligence and Security Studies" (MISS), exchange with lecturers and students (from all study years of the MISS) as well as a panel discussion on the topic "New Rights": It was a dense program for the President of the Universität der Bundeswehr München, Prof. Merith Niehuss, in Berlin in mid-November.
President Niehuss wanted to know about the actual state of affairs of the study program offered since 2019 in cooperation between UniBW and HS Bund. All those involved had their say in the various meetings, in particular students of the first year of the MISS. They offered both praise and criticism for the intelligence and security-related university education provided by the study program. All sides found the exchange constructive and enriching.
More about the MISS degree program can be found here.