Crisis Early Warning: What´s Next?

We are pleased to announce the CCEW Symposium 2023. The third annual event, which will take place on October 23 to 24, is organized by the Center for Crisis Early Warning (CCEW) at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich.

The Symposium has three key aims:

  1. The generation of ideas through multi- & interdisciplinary research;

  2. The promotion of data-driven approaches to crisis early warning and conflict resarch; and

  3. The creation of a forum that brings together academia, the policy community, and decision-makers.

The event provides ample opportunities to present your research findings, exchange ideas on conflict research, and engage in discussion and evaluation. The event language is English.

Call for Papers

Our event registration is open to interested academics and policymakers. We invite abstract submissions on crisis early warning and conflict research.

We specifically welcome contributions that address the following topics:

  • Regional & Micro Level Approaches in Crisis Early Warning;
  • Explainable AI in Conflict Research;
  • Anticipating the Behaviour of Non-State-Actors;
  • Forecasting various Phenomena: From Terrorism to Protest.

Please submit your abstracts (max. 300 words), including your name(s), affiliation, and a short biography of max. 100 words, by Friday, June 16 via the link. Successful applicants will be notified by July 2023.

A paper draft is required by Friday, September 22. We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Preliminary Schedule

Monday, October 23:

  • Opening speech: 2 pm
    Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala, Professor of International Politics & Head of Project CCEW
  • Keynote speech: 2.15 pm
  • Sessions: 2:30 pm - 5.30 pm

Tuesday, October 24:

  • Sessions: 9.45 pm - 3.30 pm


All times are CET.

The Center

The CCEW is jointly funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Federal Foreign Office (FFO). The CCEW seeks to develop innovative conceptual approaches and methods to improve crisis early warning systems.

The main tasks of the CCEW are:

  • Conducting quantitative crisis and conflict research using innovative conceptual and methodological approaches (predictive analytics); and
  • Helping the above federal ministries predict and assess crises and conflicts and thus take appropriate preventive measures.

The research output of the CCEW benefits the digital crisis early warning systems used by MoD and FFO.


The Symposium will be held in person at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich located in Neubiberg, Germany.


Universität der Bundeswehr München

Kompetenzzentrum Krisenfrüherkennung (KompZ KFE)
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
85577 Neubiberg



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