Research Assistant
Research Assistant
The Faculty of Business Administration regularly offers Brown Bag Sessions for the promotion of young researchers, in which doctoral students present their research results and receive new impulses.
Die BayWISS-Promotionskollegs „Kommunikation & Medien“ und „Ökonomie“ ermöglichen Doktorand*innen die kooperative Promotion im Freistaat Bayern.
The cooperative doctorate enables doctoral students to be jointly supervised by both a university and a University of Applied Sciences professor during their doctoral thesis.
The BayWISS doctoral colleges "Communication & Media" and "Economics" offer doctoral students the opportunity to complete a cooperative doctorate in the Free State of Bavaria.
Since 2019, a colloquium for interdisciplinary networking and professional exchange is offered by the junior scientists.
According to the motto “promote young talent – provide impetus – improve quality”, the central tasks regarding the promotion of young researchers are to help doctoral and postdoctoral candidates of the University of the Bundeswehr Munich in their qualification phase to find funding opportunities and to support them in the application process.