Dr. rer. nat. Erik KROPAT
Jahre der Veröffentlichungen
2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2002 | 2000 |
- KROPAT, Erik / MEYER-NIEBERG, Silja [2014]:
Slime Mold Inspired Evolving Networks under Uncertainty (SLIMO)
In: SPRAGUE, Ralph H. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 6-9 January 2014, Waikoloa, Hawaii. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, S. 1153-1161
[Best Paper Nomination]
ISBN: 978-1-4799-2504-9Download
- KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / ALPARSLAN-GÖK, Sirma Zeynep / ÖZMEN, Ayşe [2014]:
Inverse Problems in Complex Multi-Modal Regulatory Networks Based on Uncertain Clustered Data
In: PINTO, Alberto Adrego / ZILBERMAN, David (Hrsg.): Modeling, Optimization, Dynamics and Bioeconomy I. Contributions from ICMOD 2010 and the 5th Bioeconomy Conference 2012. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Band 73, Beitrag 25, S. 437-451. Springer International Publishing.
ISBN: 978-3-319-04848-9Externer Link
- MEYER-NIEBERG, Silja / KROPAT, Erik [2014]:
Tracking Targets under Uncertainty: Natural Computing Approaches
In: SPRAGUE, Ralph H. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 6-9 January 2014, Waikoloa, Hawaii. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, S. 1162-1171
ISBN: 978-1-4799-2504-9Download
- MEYER-NIEBERG, Silja / KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Patrick Dolan [2014]:
Dynamical Supply Networks for Crisis and Disaster Relief:
Networks Resilience and Decision Support in Uncertain Environments
In: HUISMAN, Denis / LOUWERSE, Ilse / WAGELMANS, Albert P. M. (Hrsg.): Operations Research Proceedings 2013. Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research, OR2013, organized by the German Operations Research Society (GOR), the Dutch Society of Operations Research (NGB) and Erasmus University Rotterdam, September 3-6, 2013. Serie Operations Research Proceedings. Springer, Cham/Heidelberg/New York/Dordrecht/London. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, S. 309-315
ISSN: 0721-5924
ISBN: 978-3-319-07000-1 (Druck)
ISBN: 978-3-319-07000-8 (eBook)Externer Link
- ÖZMEN, Ayşe / KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm [2014]:
Spline Regression Models for Complex Multi-Modal Regulatory Networks
In: Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 29, Nr. 3, S. 515-534
ISSN: 1055-6788 (Druck)
ISSN: 1029-4937 (Online)Externer Link
- BELEN, Selma / KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm [2013]:
Dynamical Biological Processes on Evolutionary Networks -
Dynamic Networks and Conjugation Processes in Microbiology
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2013-11Download
- HEYDER, Jacqueline / AEHLE, Sebastian / TSCHOCHE, M. / KROPAT, Erik / ANSLINGER, Katja [2013]:
Programm “TCol” – Prozessoptimierung der forensischen Gutachtenerstellung
In: Rechtsmedizin, Band 23, Heft 1, S. 17-21
ISSN: 0937-9819Download
- KROPAT, Erik / MEYER-NIEBERG, Silja / MILHELCIC, Goran / PICKL, Stefan W. [2013]:
Operations Research for Crisis and Disaster Operations -
A Testbed for Teaching and Research
In: HELLINGRATH, Bernd / LINK, Daniel / WIDERA, Adam (Hrsg.): Managing Humanitarian Supply Chains - Strategies, Practices and Research. DVV Media Group, Hamburg, S. 281-297
ISBN: 978-3871544873Externer Link
- KROPAT, Erik / ÖZMEN, Ayşe / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / MEYER-NIEBERG, Silja / DEFTERLI, Özlem [2013]:
Fuzzy Evolving Networks and Fuzzy Regression Analysis for Two-Modal Regulatory Systems -
Prediction Strategies for Fuzzy Target-Environment Networks
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2013-28Download
- KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / ARPARSLAN-GÖK, Sirma Zeynep / ÖZMEN, Ayşe [2012]:
Inverse Problems in Complex Multi-Modal Regulatory Networks Based on Uncertain Clustered Data
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2012-12Download
- KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / PEDAMALLU, Chandra Sekhar [2012]:
Regulatory Networks under Ellipsoidal Uncertainty -
Data Analysis and Prediction by Optimization Theory and Dynamical Systems
In: HOLMES, Dawn E. / JAIN, Lakhmi S. (Hrsg.): Data Mining: Foundations and Intelligent Paradigms, Vol. 2: Statistical, Bayesian, Time Series and other Theoretical Aspects. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Vol. 24. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, S. 27-56
ISBN: 978-3642232404Externer Link
- ÖZMEN, Ayşe / KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm [2012]:
Robust Optimization in Spline-Regression Models for Multi-Model Regulatory Networks under Polyhedral Uncertainty
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2012-21
- ÖZMEN, Ayşe / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / KROPAT, Erik [2012]:
Robustification of Conic Generalized Partial Linear Models under Polyhedral Uncertainty
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2012-13Download
- ÖZMEN, Ayşe / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / KROPAT, Erik [2012]:
Robustification of Conic Generalized Partial Linear Models under Polyhedral Uncertainty
In: International IFNA-ANS Scientific Journal “Problems of Nonlinear Analysis in Engineering Systems”, Vol. 38, Nr. 2, S. 104-113 (in englisch)Externer Link
- ÖZMEN, Ayşe / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / KROPAT, Erik [2012]:
Robustification of Conic Generalized Partial Linear Models under Polyhedral Uncertainty
In: International IFNA-ANS Scientific Journal “Problems of Nonlinear Analysis in Engineering Systems”, Vol. 38, Nr. 2, S. 114-124 (in russisch)
- PEDAMALLU, Chandra Sekhar / ÖZDAMAR, Linet / KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm [2012]:
A System Dynamics Model for Intentional Transmission of HIV/AIDS using Cross Impact Analysis
In: Central European Journal of Operational Research (CEJOR), Vol. 20, Nr. 2, S. 319-336
ISSN: 1435-246XExterner Link
- BELEN, Selma / KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm [2011]:
On the Classical Maki-Thompson Rumour Model in Continuous Time
In: Central European Journal of Operational Research (CEJOR), Vol. 19, Issue 1, S. 1-17
ISSN: 1435-246XExterner Link
- KROPAT, Erik / VOLKOVICH, Zeev / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm [2011]:
Stochastic Modelling and Simulation -
Stream of European Conference on Operational Research
(July 11-14, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal)
In: International IFNA-ANS Scientific Journal "Problems of Nonlinear Analysis in Engineering Systems", Vol. 17, Issue 1(35), S. 137-151
(in englisch und in russisch)
- KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / BELEN, Selma [2011]:
Dynamical Gene-Environment Networks under Ellipsoidal Uncertainty -
Set-Theoretic Regression Analysis Based on Ellipsoidal OR
In: PEIXOTO, Mauricio Matos / PINTO, Albert Adrego / RAND, David A. (Hrsg.): Dynamics, Games and Science I. DYNA 2008, in Honor of Maurício Peixoto and David Rand, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, September 8-12, 2008. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, Band 1. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, S. 545-571
ISBN: 978-3-642-11455-7Externer Link
- ÖZMEN, Ayşe / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / BATMAZ, Inci / KROPAT, Erik [2011]:
RCMARS: Robustification of CMARS with Different Scenarios under Polyhedral Uncertainty Set
In: Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (CNSNS), Vol. 16, Issue 12, Special Issue "Complex systems and chaos with fractionality, discontinuity, and nonlinearity", S. 4780-4787
ISSN: 1007-5704Externer Link
- PICKL, Stefan W. / KROPAT, Erik / HAHN, Heiko [2011]:
The Impact of Uncertain Emission Trading Markets on Interactive Resource Planning Processes and International Emission Trading Experiments
In: WHITER, Thomas / JONAS, Matthias / NAHORSKI, Zbigniew / NILSSON, Sten (Hrsg): Greenhouse Gas Inventories - Dealing With Uncertainty. Springer Science + Business Media B.V., Dordrecht, S. 327-338
ISBN: 978-94-007-1670-4Externer Link
- WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / DEFTERLI, Özlem / ALPARSLAN-GÖK, Sırma Zeynep / KROPAT, Erik [2011]:
Modeling, Inference and Optimization of Regulatory Networks Based on Time Series Data
In: European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Vol. 211, Issue 1, S. 1-14
Invited Review
ISSN: 0377-2217Externer Link
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- KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm [2010]:
Robust Regression Analysis for Gene-Environment and Eco-Finance Networks under Polyhedral and Ellipsoidal Uncertainty
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2010-24Download
- KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / BELEN, Selma [2010]:
Dynamical Gene-Environment Networks under Ellipsoidal Uncertainty – Set-Theoretic Regression Analysis Based on Ellipsoidal OR
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2010-05Download
- KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / RÜCKMANN, Jan-J. [2010]:
Regression Analysis for Clusters in Gene Environment Networks Based on Ellipsoidal Calculus and Optimization
In: Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms, Vol. 17, Nr. 25, Special Issue "In Honour of Professor Alexander Rubinov", S. 639-657
ISSN: 1492-8760Externer Link
- ÖZMEN, Ayşe / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / BATMAZ, İnci / KROPAT, Erik [2010]:
RCMARS: Robustification of CMARS with Different Scenarios under Polyhedral Uncertainty Set
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2010-11Download
- PEDAMALLU, Chandra Sekhar / ÖZDAMAR, Linet / GANSEH, L. S. / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / KROPAT, Erik [2010]:
A System Dynamics Model for Improving Primary Education Enrollment in a Developing Country
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2010-03Download
- PEDAMALLU, Chandra Sekhar / ÖZDAMAR, Linet / GANSEH, L. S. / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / KROPAT, Erik [2010]:
A System Dynamics Model for Improving Primary Education Enrollment in a Developing Country
In: Organizacija. Journal of Management, Informatics and Human Resources, Vol. 43, Nr. 3, Special Issue "On Sustainability, Education, and Migration", S. 90-101ISSN: 1318-5454
- PICKL, Stefan W. / KROPAT, Erik / HAHN, Heiko [2010]:
The Impact of Uncertain Emission Trading Markets on Interactive Resource Planning Processes and International Emission Trading Experiments
In: Climate Change, Vol. 103, Issue 1-2, Special Issue "Benefits of Dealing with Uncertainty in Greenhouse Gas Inventories", S. 327-338
ISSN: 0165-0009Externer Link
- WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / DEFTERLI, Özlem / ALPARSLAN-GÖK, Sirma Zeynep / KROPAT, Erik [2010]:
Modeling, Inference and Optimization of Regulatory Networks Based on Time Series Data
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2010-01Download
- WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / KROPAT, Erik / TEZEL, Aysun / BELEN, Selma [2010]:
Optimization Applied on Regulatory and Eco-Finance Networks - Survey and New Developments
In: Pacific Journal of Optimization, Vol. 6, Nr.2, Special Issue "In Memory of Professor Alexander Rubinov", S. 319-340
ISSN: 1348-9151Externer Link
- KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / PEDAMALLU, Chandra Sekhar [2009]:
Regulatory Networks under Ellipsoidal Uncertainty -
Optimization Theory and Dynamical Systems
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2009-10Download
- KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / RÜCKMANN, Jan-J. [2009]:
Regression Analysis for Clusters in Gene-Environment Networks based on Ellipsoidal Calculus and Optimization
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2009-29Download
- ÖZCEYLAN, Eren / PAKSOY, Turan / DEL ROSARIO, Elise / KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm [2009]:
A Review on the State of the Energy Sector of Turkey from the Perspective of Operational Research -
An Invitation by OR
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2009-30Download
- PEDAMALLU, Chandra Sekhar / ÖZDAMAR, Linet / KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm [2009]:
A System Dynamics Model for Intentional Transmission of HIV/AIDS using Cross Impact Analysis
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2009-13Download
- PEDAMALLU, Chandra Sekhar / ÖZDAMAR, Linet / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / KROPAT, Erik [2009]:
A System Dynamics Model to Study the Importance of Infrastructure Facilities on Quality of Primary Education System in Developing Countries
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2009-18Download
- WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / KROPAT, Erik / AKTEBE-ÖZTÜRK, Başak / GÖRGÜLÜ, Zafer-Korcan [2009]:
A Survey OR and Mathematical Methods Applied on Gene Environment Networks
In: DLOUHY, Martin / PICKL, Stefan W. / RAUNER, Marion / LEOPOLD-WILDBURGER, Ulrike (Hrsg.): Special Issue in "Innovative Approaches for Decision Analysis in Energy, Health, and Life Sciences". 22nd European Conference on Operational Research EURO2007, Prague, Czech Republikc, July 8-11, 2007. Central European Journal of Operations Research (CEJOR), Vol. 17, Nr. 3, S. 315-341
ISSN: 1435-246XDownload
- WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / ÖZÖĞÜR-AKYÜZ, Süreyya / KROPAT, Erik [2009]:
A Review on Data Mining and Continuopus Optimization Applications in Computational Biology and Medicine
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2009-04Download
- WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / ÖZÖĞÜR-AKYÜZ, Süreyya / KROPAT, Erik [2009]:
A Review on Data Mining and Continuopus Optimization Applications in Computational Biology and Medicine
In: Birth Defects Research, Part C: Embryo Today, Vol. 87, Nr. 2, S. 165-181
(Invited Review)
ISSN: 1542-9768Externer Link
- KROPAT, Erik / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / AKTEBE-ÖZTÜRK, Başak [2008]:
Eco-Finance Networks under Uncertainty
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2008-16
- TAYLAN, Pakize / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / KROPAT, Erik [2008]:
On Theoretical and Practical Relations between Discrete Optimization and Nonlinear Optimization
In: DUBOIS, Daniel M. (Hrsg.): Conscious Brain and Education - Mind and Living Systems; Risk Management, Economical Systems, and Social Models; Applied Mathematics, Programming, and Biomimetic Tools. Partial Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference CASYS'07 on Computing Anticipatory Systems, Liège, Belgium, August 6-11, 2007. International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vol. 21, S. 341-352ISSN: 1373-5411
- WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / KROPAT, Erik / AKTEBE-ÖZTÜRK, Başak / GÖRGÜLÜ, Zafer-Korcan [2008]:
A Survey on OR and Mathematical Methods Applied on Gene-Environment Networks
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2008-10Download
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- WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm / KROPAT, Erik / ALPARSLAN-GÖK, Sirma Zeynep [2007]:
Semi-Infinite and Conic Optimization in Modern Human, Life and Financial Sciences under Uncertainty
Middle East Technical University (METU), Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Türkei, Preprint-Nr. 2007-20Download
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- KROPAT, Erik / RESSLER, Andreas / PICKL, Stefan W. / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm [2002]:
On Theoretical and Practical Relations between Discrete Optimization and Nonlinear Optimization
In: Journal Computational Technologies (Vychislitelnye tekhnologii), Vol. 7, Special Issue: Proceedings of the "Colliquium Optimization - Structure and Stability of Dynamical Systems", October 2002, Center of Applied Computer Science Cologne (ZAIK), Cologne, Germany, 2002, S. 27-62
ISSN: 1560-7534Externer Link
- KROPAT, Erik / PICKL, Stefan W. / RESSLER, Andreas / WEBER, Gerhard-Wilhelm [2000]:
A new Algorithm from Semi-Infinite Optimization for a Problem of Time Minimal Control
In: Journal Computational Technologies (Vychislitelnye tekhnologii), Vol. 5, Nr. 4, S. 67-81
ISSN: 1560-7534Download
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