Mueller, E.F. und Schnurbus, J. (2023): Heeding the call of science: What leads PhD graduates to pursue an academic career? Academy of Management Learning & Education, 22(4), 681-701.
Mueller, E.F. und Fuchs, S. (2023): What holds a regional cluster together? The role of cluster actors’ identification and citizenship behavior for the effectiveness of a regional cluster. International Studies of Management & Organization, 53(1), 40-62.
Mueller, E.F. und Jungwirth, C. (2022): Are Cooperative Firms More Agile? A Contingency Perspective on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Agglomerations and Peripheral Areas. Small Business Economics, 58(1), 281-302.
Mueller, E.F. und Flickinger, M. (2021): It’s a Family Affair: How Social Identification Influences Family CEO Compensation. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 29(5), 461-478.
Mueller, E.F. (2021): Towards a Theory of Network Facilitation: A Microfoundations Perspective on the Antecedents, Practices, and Outcomes of Network Facilitation. British Journal of Management, 32(1), 80-96.
Zondag, M.M., Mueller, E.F., und Ferrin, B.G. (2017): The Application of Value Nets in Food Supply Chains: A Multiple Case Study. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 33(4), 199-212.
Mueller, E.F. und Jungwirth, C. (2016): What Drives the Effectiveness of Industrial Clusters? Exploring the Impact of Contextual, Structural, and Functioning Determinants. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 28(5-6), 424-447.
Mueller, E.F., Flickinger, M., und Dorner, V. (2015): Knowledge Junkies or Careerbuilders? A Mixed-Methods Approach to Exploring the Determinants of Students’ Intention to Earn a PhD. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 90, 75-89.
Jungwirth, C. und Mueller, E.F. (2014): Comparing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cluster Initiatives from a Principal-Agent Perspective: What We Can Learn for Designing Governance Regimes, Schmalenbach Business Review, 66, 357-381.
Mueller, E.F. (2012): How to Manage Networks? The Role of Network Attributes and Incentives in Network Governance. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 15(1), 57-75.
Jungwirth, C., Mueller, E.F., und Ruckdäschel, S. (2011): Clustertypen: Eine Typologisierung und Charakterisierung regionaler Netzwerke. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 55(4), 207-225.
Jungwirth, C., Grundgreif, D., und Mueller, E.F. (2011): How to Turn Public Networks into Private Clubs? The Challenge of Being a Cluster Manager. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 3(3), 262-280.
Mueller, E.F. und Jungwirth, C. (2011): On the Performance of Clusters - An Analysis of the Impact of Cluster Context, Structure, and Functioning on Cluster Performance. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research [Best Conference Paper Proceedings der Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC)], 31(14), Article 1.
Jungwirth, C., Grundgreif, D., und Mueller, E.F. (2010): Governance-Regimes von regionalen Clustern. Ein Vergleich der Strategien staatlich und privat initiierter Cluster. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (zfbf), 62(10), 42-62.
Jungwirth, C. und Mueller, E.F. (2010): The Sustainability of Clusters: Consequences of Different Governance Regimes of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cluster Initiatives (Summary). Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research [Best Conference Paper Proceedings der Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC)], 30(14), Article 4.
Mueller, E.F., Thaler, J., und Beimborn, D. (2024). Digitale Mindsets in der digitalen Arbeitswelt am Beispiel von Führungskräften in öffentlichen Verwaltungen, in Busch, D. (Ed.) Individuen in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Individuum und Organisation, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, 13-35.
Kaiser, S., Mueller, E.F., Schönherr, L., und Thaler, J. (2023): Digitale Mindsets und Netzwerke: Zur Rolle der Digitalisierung in organisationsübergreifender Zusammenarbeit, in S. Kaiser, B. Ertl (Eds.): Digitale Mindsets, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, 99-117.
Mueller, E.F., Ghosh, J., und Palvia, P. (2020): Information Technology Issues in Germany, in P. Palvia, J. Ghosh, T. Jacks, A. Serenko, A.H. Turan (Eds.): The World IT Project: Global Issues in Information Technology, Boston-Delft: World Scientific/NOW Publishers, 117-131.
Jungwirth, C. und Mueller, E.F. (2014): Innovationen durch Clustermanagement, in W. Burr (Ed.): Innovation - Theorien, Konzepte und Methoden der Innovationsforschung, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 320-344.
Mueller, E.F. und Thaler, J. (2024): Individual Well-Being in the “Digitalized” Public Sector – a Job Demands-Resources Perspective; European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, 04.-06.07.2024, Mailand (Italien).
Listl, I. und Mueller, E.F. (2024): The Path to Impact Investing: How Single Family Offices Can Break Free From Their History; European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, 04.-06.07.2024, Mailand (Italien).
Listl, I. und Mueller, E.F. (2024): The Path to Impact Investing: How Single Family Offices Can Break Free From Their History; European Academy of Management, 25.-28.06.2024, Bath (UK).
Flickinger, M., Grahn, A., und Mueller, E.F. (2024): Mental Accounting in Family Firms: The Influence of Family Board Members on CEO Dismissals; IFERA Conference, 18.-21.06.2024, Carcavelos (Portugal).
Listl, I. und Mueller, E.F. (2024): The Path to Impact Investing: How Single Family Offices Can Break Free From Their History; IFERA Conference, 18.-21.06.2024, Carcavelos (Portugal).
Thaler, J., Mueller, E.F., und Beimborn, D. (2024): Investigating Public Sector Employees’ Digital Mindsets for Digital and Agile Transformation; IRSPM Conference, 16.-18.04.2024, Tampere (Finnland).
Mueller, E.F. und Nayir, D. Z. (2023): Collaboration, Social Capital, and Agility in a Turbulent World: Evidence from Turkey; RENT Conference, 15.-17.11.2023, Gdansk (Polen).
Köroglu, D., Mueller, E.F., und Schnurbus, J. (2023): Diversity and the Academic Career; Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 04.-08.08.2023, Boston (USA).
Scheuerer, J., Mueller, E.F., und Thaler, J. (2023): The Dark Side of Digital External Networking: A Job Demands-Resources Perspective; Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 04.-08.08.2023, Boston (USA).
Listl, I. und Mueller, E.F. (2023): How Can Family Firms Be Pioneers in Addressing Grand Societal Challenges? Towards a Theory of Responsible Innovation in Family Firms; European Academy of Management, 14.-16.06.2023, Dublin (Irland).
Mueller, E.F., Schönherr, L., und Thaler, J. (2022): The Dark Side of Digital External Networking: A Job Demands-Resources Perspective; Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, 17.-20.09.2022, London (UK).
Flickinger, M. und Mueller, E.F. (2022): Disentangling Inter- and Intra-Firm Dynamics of CEO Compensation in Family Firms; Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, 17.-20.09.2022, London (UK).
Mueller, E.F. und Schnurbus, J. (2021): Heeding the call of science: What leads PhD graduates to pursue an academic career?; Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 29.07.-04.08.2021, (virtuell).
Mueller, E.F. und Fuchs, S. (2020): What Holds A Regional Cluster Together?; Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 07.-11.08.2020, (virtuell).
Flickinger, M. und Mueller, E.F. (2020): Disentangling Inter- and Intra-Firm Dynamics of CEO Compensation in Family Firms - A Social Identity Perspective; EIASM Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Research, 26.-27.03.2020, Paris (Frankreich) (Konferenz aufgrund von COVID-19 abgesagt).
Flickinger, M., Mueller, E. F., und Oehmichen, J. (2019): Status or Identity: How Family Firm CEOs’ Board Network Embeddedness Affects Their Compensation; 5th Annual ICGS Conference, 12.-13.10.2019, Colchester (UK).
Flickinger, M., Mueller, E. F., und Oehmichen, J. (2019): Status or Identity: How Family Firm CEOs’ Board Network Embeddedness Affects Their Compensation; Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 09.-13.08.2019, Boston (USA).
Flickinger, M., Mueller, E. F., und Oehmichen, J. (2019): Status or Identity: How Family Firm CEOs’ Board Network Embeddedness Affects Their Compensation; European Academy of Management, 26.-28.06.2019, Lissabon (Portugal).
Flickinger, M., Mueller, E. F., und Oehmichen, J. (2019): Status or Identity: How Family Firm CEOs’ Board Network Embeddedness Affects Their Compensation; EIASM Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Research, 06.-07.06.2019, Passau (Deutschland).
Flickinger, M. und Mueller, E. F. (2018): Status vs. Identity: The Influence of Board Networks on Family CEO Compensation; Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference, 22.-25.09.2018, Paris (Frankreich)
Mueller, E.F. und Flickinger, M. (2018): It's a Family Affair: How Social Identification Influences CEO Compensation in Family Firms; Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 10.-14.08.2018, Chicago (USA).
Mueller, E.F. und Flickinger, M. (2017): A Behavioral Perspective on CEO Compensation in Family Firms; Israel Strategy Conference, 17.-19.12.2017, Haifa (Israel).
Mueller, E.F. und Flickinger, M. (2017): A Behavioral Perspective on CEO Compensation in Family Firms; Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference, 28.-31.10.2017, Houston (USA).
Mueller, E.F. und Flickinger, M. (2016): A Behavioral Perspective on CEO Compensation in Family Firms; Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference - Extension: New Perspectives on Strategic Human Capital, 15.09.2016, München (Deutschland).
Mueller, E.F. (2016): Developing a Business Model Taxonomy of Industrial Clusters; Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 05.-09.08.2016, Anaheim (USA).
Mueller, E.F. und Jungwirth, C. (2016): How Locational Environments Moderate the Effect of Cooperative Strategies on Firms' Agility; Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 05.-09.08.2016, Anaheim (USA).
Mueller, E.F. und Jungwirth, C. (2015): Cooperative Strategies and Their Effect on Organizational Agility: Does Location Matter?; Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference, 03.-06.10.2015, Denver (USA).
Mueller, E.F., Flickinger, M., und Dorner, V. (2015): A Mixed-Methods Approach to Exploring the Determinants of Students' Intention to Earn a PhD; Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 07.-11.08.2015, Vancouver (Kanada).
Mueller, E.F., Zondag, M. und Ferrin, B. (2015): Evolving Cooperative Business Models in the Global Food Supply Chain: An Empirical Study; Annual Macromarketing Conference, 25.-28.06.2015, Chicago (USA).
Mueller, E.F., Flickinger, M. und Dorner, V. (2015): Knowledge Junkies or Careerbuilders? A Mixed-Methods Approach to Exploring the Determinants of Students’ Intention to Earn a PhD; VHB-Tagung, 27.-29.05.2015, Wien (Österreich).
Mueller, E.F. (2014): Uncovering Different Value Creation Processes of Network Facilitators in Inter-firm Networks; Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference, 20.-23.09.2014, Madrid (Spanien).
Mueller, E.F. (2014): Developing a Business Model Typology for Industrial Clusters; Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference, 20.-23.09.2014, Madrid (Spanien).
Mueller, E.F. (2014): How Network Facilitators Create Value in Inter-firm Networks - A Differentiated View; Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 01.-05.08.2014, Philadelphia (USA).
Mueller, E.F., Flickinger, M., und Dorner, V. (2013): Einflussfaktoren auf die Promotionsabsicht von Masterstudierenden; Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium, 21.-23.06.2013, Passau (Deutschland).
Mueller, E.F. (2013): Managing inter-firm networks – When to prefer lead-firm or third-party governance?; Interdisciplinary Workshop on Decentralization and Networks, 18.-19.04.2013, Siegen (Deutschland).
Jungwirth, C. und Mueller, E.F. (2012): A Comparison of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Network Governance Regimes; Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 03.-07.08.2012, Boston (USA).
Mueller, E.F. und Jungwirth, C. (2012): The Performance of Clusters - An Analysis of the Impact of Cluster Context, Structure, and Functioning on Cluster Performance; Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), 15.-17.02.2012, Regensburg (Deutschland).
Mueller, E.F. und Jungwirth, C. (2011): On the Performance of Clusters - An Analysis of the Impact of Cluster Context, Structure, and Functioning on Cluster Performance; Interdisciplinary Workshop on Decentralization and Networks, 24.-25.11.2011, Siegen (Deutschland).
Mueller, E.F. und Jungwirth, C. (2011): On the Performance of Clusters - An Analysis of the Impact of Cluster Context, Structure, and Functioning on Cluster Performance; Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), 08.-11.06.2011, Syracuse (USA).
Mueller, E.F. (2011): How to Manage Networks? The Role of Network Attributes and Incentives in Network Governance; Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), 16.-18.02.2011, München (Deutschland).
Jungwirth, C., Mueller, E.F., und Ruckdaeschel, S. (2010): Different goals and different structures - but clusters? An empirical comparison of cluster governance modes in the United States, United Kingdom, Austria and Germany; Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference, 21.-22.10.2010, Köln (Deutschland).
Jungwirth, C. und Mueller, E.F. (2010): In ein Netzwerk hinein internationalisieren: Was die Governance-Struktur eines Netzwerks über dessen Attraktivität für ein Outsider-KMU aussagt; German Research Forum on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, 23.-24.09.2010, Siegen (Deutschland).
Jungwirth, C. und Mueller, E.F. (2010): The Sustainability of Clusters - Consequences of Different Governance Regimes of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cluster Initiatives; Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), 09.-12.06.2010, Lausanne (Schweiz).
Jungwirth, C. und Mueller, E.F. (2010): The Sustainability of Clusters - Consequences of Different Governance Regimes of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cluster Initiatives; Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), 10.-12.03.2010, Regensburg (Deutschland).
Jungwirth, C., Grundgreif, D., und Mueller, E.F. (2009): How to Turn Public Goods into Club Goods? Concerning the Challenge of Being a Cluster Manager, Conference on Managing Regional Clusters in the Context of Globalisation, 04.-05.12.2009, Sønderborg (Dänemark).
Jungwirth, C., Grundgreif, D., und Mueller, E.F. (2009): How to Turn Public Networks into Private Clubs? The Challenge of Being a Cluster Manager; Conference on the Management of SMEs, 24.-25.09.2009, Klagenfurt (Österreich).
Mueller, E.F. (2009): The Efficient Governance of Clusters: An Analysis of Different Modes of Cluster Management; Conference on the Management of SMEs, 24.-25.09.2009, Klagenfurt (Österreich).
Mueller, E.F. (2009): The Efficient Governance of Clusters: An Analysis of Different Modes of Cluster Management; Conference on Economics and Management of Networks (EMNET), 03.-05.09.2009, Sarajevo (Bosnien und Herzegowina).