Welcome to the website of the Chair of Strategic Management! Head of the Chair is Prof. Dr. Elisabeth F. Müller.
In our research, we are interested in investigating questions at the intersection of strategic management and entrepreneurship. Our research contributes to solving problems that are relevant to our society as a whole, in particular regarding the mechanisms of networked and sustainable value creation in the future.
In our teaching, we use innovative teaching methods to enable students to develop as a leader who thinks and acts strategically and knows how to support organizations (e.g., companies, public organizations) in managing strategic change and other challenging strategy processes.
On these web pages, we inform you about our teaching and research activities and introduce ourselves. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or need any further information!
External doctoral candidates and student assistants
External Doctoral Candidates:
Jonas Singer
Student Assistant:
How to find us
The Universität der Bundeswehr München is located in the southeast of Munich, in Neubiberg. Entry to the university campus for visitors is possible through the western gate. The offices of the Chair of Strategic Management are on the second floor of the building 36. We are in the rooms 2153 and 2154.
Email: sekretariat.mueller@unibw.de
Phone: +49 (89) 6004 - 2429
Postal address:
Universität der Bundeswehr München
Chair of Strategic Management
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
85577 Neubiberg

- 1: Office rooms (second Floor)
- 2: Visitor Entrance